Jenny and James

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Book: Jenny and James by Georgeanna Bingley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgeanna Bingley
promotion.   I have to switch offices and meet new staff members and start working on the budget, and you know, other exciting things."
    "Alrighty."   He smiled and then said, "Can we still do our normal hug good bye or do you need to skip that?"
    Laughing, she reached in and hugged him.   She realized how safe she felt; she'd been hugging this guy for decades and it was so comfortable.   She reached up and kissed him on the cheek and then, taking a deep breath, said, "I want to try it; and I want to try it with the man I trust the most, which would be you.   So uhm, email me or something with what you think, 'cause I gotta go."   And she ran to her car, got in and drove away quickly.
    She got back to her apartment and checked her email.   There was one from her mom congratulating her on the job, one from some guy that kept asking her out...shockingly, it was an email asking her out...and one offering to increase her penis size, but none from James.   "Damn it!"   Suddenly she felt like crying.   She wasn't sure whether she was more upset at the possible loss of a lifelong friendship or if it was the fact that she wouldn't get to have her fantasy fulfilled.   The fact she wasn't sure just upset her even more.   She clicked on "Send/Receive" and was thrilled to hear the noise that indicated a new email had arrived.  It was from him.
    Now that you've had a little bit of time to think about what you asked me to do you may have decided to back out.   If you have, that's fine; you know I'll still adore you :)   Just stop reading this email and delete it.   If you still want to pursue it, then carry on...
    First, let me say I'm very honored that you chose to ask me to do this for you.   I'm aware what a big step it is for you, and I intend to make it very enjoyable, indeed.   From what we said before, it sounds as if you're not looking so much for pain as for a sense of having no control over what happens to you and your body, right?
    Being pushed to the ground and forced to just take whatever happens to you is something that scares and arouses you.   Thinking about my weight on you as you struggle, in vain, to get free is making you wet right now, isn't it, Jenny?
    This is the next step for you to take to make this happen.   Go ahead and masturbate and then write me back telling me you got off reading my lines.   That'll be enough for me to have the "go ahead".   Later we'll talk about limits and what your safeword will be.
    ‘ Til then,
    Jenny already had her hand between her legs before she ever read the part ordering her to masturbate.   Realizing she was expected to write to him and tell him she'd done so made her face flush, yet at the same time she could feel an orgasm building up very, very quickly.   A few minutes later she managed to type out:
    Thanks, I got off.   Looking forward to talking more.
    She stayed up a while but there were no more emails, so eventually she went to bed.   She was so aroused that she ended up grabbing a toy from her nightstand and having a few more orgasms before she was finally able to sleep.
      The next day she went to work and started her new position.   For most of the day she was so busy she was able to forget the night before, but at 4:00 she got an email from him at work.   Before she even read it, she could feel her face getting red, partly from embarrassment but mostly from anger.   What the hell was he thinking sending her an email like this at work? He knew her emails got scanned.   She clicked on it and discovered it was a simple invitation for her and some mutual friends to all meet up after work Friday to hear some new band.   Instead of relief, she found herself feeling disappointed again.   "Ugh, this can't go on," she thought, "now, no matter what he does or doesn't do, I end up disappointed.   Maybe I should just tell him to forget the

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