Jenny and James

Free Jenny and James by Georgeanna Bingley

Book: Jenny and James by Georgeanna Bingley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgeanna Bingley
Jenny was psyched; she'd gotten the promotion she had campaigned the last three months for, and she had to tell someone.   It was no surprise that the lucky recipient of her good news would be James.   They'd been best friends for almost 25 years - ever since an incident in the sandbox that Jenny couldn't even completely remember now. She was, after all, only three at the time. Some other kid had done something evil to Mr. Snuggles, and James had gone beyond merely rescuing him. He also insulted the bully before returning   the toy cat to Jenny, thus endearing himself to her forever.
    Over the years, mutual acquaintances had often asked why they didn't get together.  Jenny had to agree that, in addition to their close friendship, she and James had undeniable chemistry.  Yet the timing had simply never worked out right; it was rare that both she and James were single at the same time.  Plus, while Jenny had often wondered what it would be like to go beyond their normal flirtation, she wasn't sure if she wanted to risk such a longstanding friendship to find out.
      She walked into James' house, not bothering to knock first, and hollered for him to come downstairs and hear her good news.   He came down, and after just a quick glance, said, "You got it; I can tell.” Giving her a quick hug, he added, “Congratulations, kid, you deserve it."   She accepted his hug while rolling her eyes at the "kid" comment.   He was three months older than her and for some reason, enjoyed teasing her about that.   "Let me take you to celebrate," he said, "I just need to hop in the shower, and we'll go get you something fancy."
      "Ok, can I use your computer?  I want to email my mom."   He nodded his assent, and she sat down and sent her mother a quick email.   She heard the shower start up and decided to play on the internet. She started to type in an address when his autocomplete popped up; apparently he had a site saved under   Curiosity got the better of her, so she clicked on it.   There were lots of girls tied in different positions, and they all looked rather helpless.   She wasn't really interested in the rope part, but their looks of fear (often mixed with arousal) were really affecting her.
      Taking a quick moment to make sure the shower was still running, she clicked on favorites, and with insight that comes from knowing someone for decades she looked in the money folder.  Sure enough, she'd found his porn stash.   Besides bondage, he had a lot of links to S&M sites, and when she clicked on them she saw everything from light spankings to one poor girl with clothespins all over her and plenty of nasty-looking red welts to go with them.   While she wasn't sure about experiencing that much pain, the thought of being scared while having sex was really intriguing.   She ended up clicking on a photo of a girl that was bent over some sort of bench.   Judging by the marks on her ass, she'd apparently just been whipped soundly, and the presumed whipper was now standing behind her.   He had a hold of her hair with one hand and was turning her face so she could see him with her peripheral vision, but not directly. He was getting ready to penetrate her.
      Jenny couldn't look away from the girl's captivating face.   She only stopped when she heard a throat clearing behind her.   She jumped up, clicked off the browser and turned to face a rather amused-looking James.   "Are you ready to go?" he asked.   Apparently he was going to pretend he didn't know what she was looking at.   Feeling relieved, yet also disappointed, she nodded, and they headed to the restaurant.
      James must have called ahead and pulled strings, because they were seated quickly.  After ordering, Jenny tried to go through the motions as James chatted about her promotion and asked her questions about her new position, but all she could think about was that girl bent over the bench.   Finally, after the appetizers had been eaten,

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