An Alpha's Tempest (Water Bear Shifters 4)
She did at least need to get something to wear to the funeral tomorrow. And it would be nice to get a few things that were specifically in her size. She could always pay Ben back later, even though he was insisting he didn’t want her to.
    Rhythm stood up and sorted through the pile of clothes until she found a jacket, and then slipped on some boots that fit her reasonably well. She would get some stuff today, and just keep track of how much she was spending. Then, once she had access to her money again, she’d insist that Ben take repayment. She knew he’d resist, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. Rhythm stuck her chin out defiantly as she walked toward the living room. He had no idea how stubborn she could be.
    Ben smiled when he saw her walk out with her coat and shoes on. No doubt, he thought he’d won this battle. Let him think that, though. He didn’t realize who he was dealing with.
    “Ready?” Ben asked, already reaching for his keys from the key ring near the door.
    “Yup,” Rhythm said. “All ready. I hope you know some clothing stores, because I’m not sure where anything around here is.”
    “Don’t worry,” Ben said. “There’s a shopping center in town that has several clothing stores. I’m sure we can find something to suit your taste.”
    Rhythm followed Ben out to his car and hopped into the passenger seat. She suddenly felt shy during the fifteen minute drive to the shopping center, as though Ben could somehow read her thoughts and knew that she was secretly swooning over the way he looked. Rhythm chanced a glance over at him, but he seemed oblivious to her quiet demeanor. He was humming along with the song on the radio while tapping his fingers to the beat of the music, and his gaze was fixed on the road ahead.
    Rhythm studied his profile for a moment, admiring the strong edge of his jaw line. Even though his looks were what had initially attracted her to him, she was beginning to realize that it was more than just his physical features that were causing the swooning. He had a sense of duty and loyalty that she admired. He wanted his crew taken care of, and when she had offered her help with locating the scientists, he had taken it upon himself to make sure that she was taken care of as well. She had a feeling that she could make any request within reason, and he would make sure that her wish was fulfilled. He wanted her to feel as comfortable and at home as possible in her new situation.
    Ben seemed to feel Rhythm’s eyes on her, because he suddenly glanced over. When he caught her eye, her cheeks turned red and she quickly looked away.
    “What?” he asked, brushing at his cheek. “Do I have something on my face?”
    “No, I was just staring off into space,” Rhythm replied, hoping that he wouldn’t press further.
    He didn’t. He went back to humming, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Rhythm had actually been ogling him moments before. A few minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of Kodiak’s main shopping center, and Rhythm immediately spotted one of her favorite department stores.
    “Let’s try in there,” she said. “They should hopefully have something that will work for the funeral.”
    Ben nodded, and fell into step beside her, pushing the button to lock his car with a beep as they walked away. Inside the store, Rhythm felt an overwhelming sense of relief. Something about the familiarity of the place made her feel better. Maybe it sounded silly, but the familiar brand logos on display all around her made her feel like she hadn’t completely lost track of everything in her life.
    She stepped into the section where women’s dresses hung, and began quickly browsing through the racks. She chose a few options in shades of black and muted gray, and then grabbed a deep purple dress almost as an afterthought.
    “I’m just going to try these on really quickly,” she said to Ben, who nodded and took a seat on one of the plush armchairs right outside the

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