The Flying Saucer Mystery

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Book: The Flying Saucer Mystery by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
called out, “Halt!”
    Everyone reined in. Nancy said, “It just occurred to me that perhaps we should have Dr. Caffrey examine Susan B for contamination. After all, she was burned by the sod in the swamp, but Ned and I didn’t touch it with our bare hands, or get any mud from the scorched area on us.”
    “You’re right,” Jan agreed and called out to the doctor, “Can you give the horse with the burn a radioactive test?”
    “Sure. Glad to.”
    Jan told the others, “Wait here for us. Nancy and I will ride to the vet’s and have Susan B examined for contamination.”
    Everyone agreed to the plan and the three riders galloped off. Twenty minutes later they were back.
    “The horse is okay,” the doctor reported. “She has a nasty burn but no contamination symptoms. Nevertheless, I think that swamp definitely should be investigated.”
    “It will be,” Nancy said, then added, “Let’s go!”
    The riders urged their horses up the mountain. When they arrived at camp, their anxious friends were delighted to hear the results of the tests. The newcomers were introduced and they all sat down to a hot supper.
    Nancy and Ned asked Hal and Burt to explain how they had found the lost packhorses. According to the boys it had not been easy, but after a fruitless search, they had finally heard a whinny.
    “One horse caught a front hoof in a bear trap,” Hal said. “Of course he couldn’t move, but we managed to get the trap off. Fortunately it had snapped around the colt’s hoof, not in it, so he wasn’t really injured.”
    Now it was Nancy and Ned’s turn to relate their adventure. The doctors and scientists laughed.
    Mr. Drew chuckled also. “I like the part where you two couldn’t talk, but were able to communicate by thought waves. From now on I’ll have to be careful what I think!”
    “That’s right, Dad,” Nancy said with a mischievous wink.
    Early next morning Nancy was awakened by a barking dog. That sounds like Trixie, she told herself, and jumped out of her sleeping bag. She slipped on her jeans over her pajamas and went outside.
    George joined her as Trixie bounded into camp and rushed up to the girls.
    “Trixie has a note tied to the rope around her neck!” George exlaimed.
    Quickly she removed the message and opened it for her and Nancy to read.

    A Valuable Clue
    The two girls read the note aloud. It had been signed by Old Joe.
    Dear Nancy and Friends,
    I am still amazed by your finding the stone pyramid. It was a valuable clue. I went to the brook myself; below the waterline I found a marker, and to my amazement my father’s initials were on it.
    George exclaimed, “How wonderful!” She and Nancy read on:
    There was also an arrow on the marker. I followed its direction for some distance, then I injured my foot.
    “What a shame!” Nancy remarked. “I hope it’s not bad. Well, let’s see what else Old Joe has written.”
    The note continued:
    I knew I had to give up the search. It was only with great difficulty that I got back to my cabin. Now I have a favor to ask of you: Would you young people like to take up the search?
    Nancy and George looked at each other, then grinned. George said, “Would we!”
    “It’s an exciting challenge,” Nancy admitted, but added, “You know that we won’t be able to go immediately.”
    “Why not?” George asked, eager to take up the hunt.
    Nancy reminded her that more scientists were arriving and would probably want to ask questions of the campers, especially Nancy and Ned. “I think I should stay here.”
    George agreed. “Have you any idea when the rest of the experts are coming?”
    Nancy shook her head no. “I’m sure it’ll be soon. In the meantime, I ought to get some paper and a pencil and answer Old Joe.”
    In her reply she said that the young sleuths would do their best to find out where the arrow led.
    Then she added:
    But I will have to wait at camp a little while before starting. Some scientists are coming here to examine

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