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Book: Gena/Finn by Kat Helgeson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Helgeson
wish? And it’s dumb as shit.
    from: Zack Martocchio
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Thursday, July 17 3:42 PM
subject: >;)
Is it an autograph because I can make that happen.
    from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Zack Martocchio
date: Thursday, July 17 3:44 PM
subject: ○_○
    from: Zack Martocchio
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Thursday, July 17 3:45 PM
subject: RE: ○_○
Tell me.
    from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Zack Martocchio
date: Thursday, July 17 3:51 PM
subject: :p
that i could act every once in a while without being an ACTOR. like there’d somehow be a way for me to go back and do something without looking like some desperate washed-up child star. sometimes i have to fight the urge to audition for a fucking paper towel commercial or go play a baby-murderer in a law and order episode.
i want to show everyone that i can do it without going crazy and pulling fire alarms or whatever.
really i wish i’d done the fucking reunion show.
    from: Genevieve Goldman
to: Finn Bartlett
date: Thursday, July 17 3:59 PM
subject: FW: :p
This might be the most horrible suggestion in the world, and I would understand if you wanted to get on a plane and come punch me, but...fuck it, you know?
    from: Zack Martocchio
to: Genevieve Goldman
date: Thursday, July 17 3:58 PM
subject: RE: :p
How about just one episode?

Back From the Dead
(with fic!)
    Jesus mephitis mephitis that was a long absence. SORRY INTERNET. I’m alive. Hopefully I’ve not been forgotten?
    I’m off to college in a few weeks, and I have some other stuff going on out in meatspace as well, but my big news of the summer was that I got to go to Chicago Con!! It was phenomenal beyond all reason. The boys were as charming and eloquent as always and the writers got me so fucking excited about next season.
    YES, I may answer! At least a smidgen of one. So YES, I may WHISPER.
    Title: Marzipan and Metal Cans
Author: _EvenIf
Word Count: 463
Summary: Remember that one time we got to see them shop for supplies? That was nice. Let’s do that again.
Pairing: none, you know what journal you’re on.
Disclaimer: I own nothing besides my little conference badge.
Author’s Note: Go easy on me, it’s been a tough couple of weeks. Almost out of here. Eve to College, come in, College. College, do you read me?
    Jake’s on his hands and knees like a damn child, half of him sticking out of a box like it’s fucking Christmas morning and Tyler bought him a Red Rider BB gun. “There’s nothing in here.”
    â€œWell there’s about eight hundred things out here, so stop embarrassing us.” Tyler picks up a decimated flare gun from the 80% OFF table. What the hell were normal people doing with this flare gun? He’s struck again by the fact that he has virtually no idea what normal people do. It’s been too long.
    Jake emerges with a streak of dust on his cheek and something tiny raised triumphantly over his head.
    â€œThe hell is that?”
    â€œTonka truck.”
    â€œYou’re shitting me.”
    Jake throws it at him. “Zippo.”
    â€œOh, man.” Tyler flicks the wheel with his thumb, watches the flame glow, disappear, glow again.
    â€œMy dad had one just like that,” Jake says, like it’s nothing, like it’s no big deal.
    Tyler waits for him because maybe this time he’ll really talk about what happened the night Alan Henry sunk under the water and never came back. But Jake doesn’t say anything more. So Tyler says, “You think we could rehabilitate this thing?”
    For setting baddies on fire, numbskull. “For waking

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