
Free TouchofTopaz by N.J. Walters

Book: TouchofTopaz by N.J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.J. Walters
tempest swirling around her.
    A storm was brewing within her and it was only a matter of
time before it broke. She was afraid that when it did, she would splinter into
a thousand pieces and be unable to put herself back together again. John would
have parts of her she would never be able to reclaim. It frightened and she
began to panic.
    Then John slid his finger across her clit, sending lightning
bolts of pleasure zinging through her. Her body didn’t care what this might
cost her. It reached for the promised orgasm, grasping it eagerly.
    Her body exploded and her channel tightened around his cock.
Spasms of pleasure rocked her to her core. John yelled and pumped several more
times, his shaft swelling and flexing. He half collapsed on top of her, his
arms banding around her waist to keep her from falling forward onto the arm of
the sofa.
    They both stood there panting hard, like two combatants in a
war they’d both won. Topaz shivered as she became aware of the cool air and the
slight twinges in her body. She felt as though she’d survived a hurricane and
would never be the same again.
    John slowly withdrew from her body and straightened behind
her. She was afraid to look at him, afraid she’d lost part of herself to him.
She’d never given up such control before, especially not to a man.
    He didn’t say anything as he lifted her into his arms and
she buried her face against his broad chest. He carried her to the bedroom,
setting her down long enough to tug back the covers. He urged her to crawl onto
the bed and when she was settled, he covered her quickly and went to the
bathroom. The pipes rattled and groaned as he ran water. She could easily
picture him standing in the ancient bathroom, cleaning himself off, running a
cloth over his semi-aroused cock.
    Topaz stared up at the ceiling, totally replete, yet
unsatisfied. The sex was exceptional, the best she’d ever had, but something
was missing. She was too tired to even consider what that might be. Her eyes
drifted closed but shot open again when the covers were pulled off her and cool
air rushed over her skin.
    John stood beside her with a warm cloth in hand and
proceeded to clean her breasts and between her legs. It was embarrassing and
she batted at his hands, but he was relentless. Finally, she gave in and let
him do as he pleased. After what they’d just done in the living room there was
really no need for her to be self-conscious about him washing her in such an
intimate manner.
    When he was done, he pulled the cover up to her chin and
kissed her forehead. “Sleep. I’ll be along in a few minutes.”
    She let her eyes close and wished she was wearing her
nightgown, needed it like protective armor to help keep her heart safe. It
might already be too late for that. John Knight had come into her well-ordered
life and blown it apart, by doing no more than simply being what he was.
    She shivered and thought about getting her nightgown, but it
was in the living room and she wasn’t prepared to leave the bed for it. The
sounds of dishes clinking reached her and she knew John was dealing with the
remains of their meal. She’d forgotten all about that. It was a very domestic
sound and it soothed her.
    Her thoughts drifted along, refusing to touch on anything
for long and, before she knew it, John was back. She knew the second he stepped
into the room. The texture of the air seemed to change when he was
there—thickening and filling with anticipation. The sound of fabric against
fabric filled the silence and she knew he’d brought their clothing into the
    She tensed when he crawled into bed beside her but relaxed
again when he put his arm around her and pulled her back against his chest,
spooning behind her so her back rested against his chest and her butt was
cradled against his groin.
    It was then she realized she’d been unconsciously waiting
for him. Now that he was here, everything was right. She felt his lips brush
against the top of her head as she

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