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Book: Sidetracked-Kobo by Brandilyn Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandilyn Collins
phone in the kitchen. Pete wandered off toward his bedroom.
    “Hi.” Andy’s voice was warm. Just hearing it made me want to cry. “How you doing?”
    I wandered to the front kitchen window and gazed at the street. “Melcher called me back to the station. He’s starting to look at Billy King.”
    “For the murder?”
    “Someone said they saw Billy last night, near where it happened.”
    Andy breathed over the line. “Why would Billy hurt Clara?”
    “Who said he did?”
    “You just said somebody saw him.”
    “Doesn’t mean he’s guilty, Andy. Just because he was nearby. Besides, he’s too tall.” I told Andy about the man I saw—and the bush. How I’d forgotten to tell Melcher that fact. “When I did tell him, he seemed to dismiss it. Almost as if he thought I was making it up just to save Billy.”
    “Melcher doubted your word?”
    Andy’s sharp tone stuck a knife in me. No one in this town—except our chief of police, apparently—would believe I’d tell a lie.
    How fragile, the life I’d built.
    “I’m calling Melcher right now.”
    “Andy, don’t. You’ll only make it worse for me.”
    “I can’t let him treat you like that.”
    “This isn’t about me. It’s about finding who killed Clara.”
    Please, God, don’t let it start to be about me.
    “Yeah, but if Melcher starts ignoring key facts just to nab a suspect …”
    I had no response for that.
    “Look.” I rubbed my forehead. “I need to go see Clara’s parents. I should have gone over there first thing this morning.”
    “Okay. Keep me posted. And, Delanie, I want to take you out to dinner tonight. Away from town and all this. Somewhere in Lexington. I’ll pick you up around 6:30.”
    I focused on a tree in my front yard. So green. So beautiful and full of promise in spring. I pictured someone taking an axe to it—and squeezed my eyes shut.
    “I’m here.”
    Did I even want to go out tonight? Part of me said yes, anything to be away from this town and with Andy. How I needed to be with him. For the rest of my life.
    But on this day I’d be such lousy company. So many things, so many fears I couldn’t tell him. Now or ever.
    “Six-thirty all right with you?”
    “Yes. Thanks. I’m just …”
    “I know.” Andy’s voice was gentle. “Call me anytime today if you need me, okay?”
    “See you tonight. I love you, Delanie.”
    The words washed through me. “I love you .”
    As I clicked off the call I spotted a police car coming up the street. It pulled to the curb in front of my house. Bruce Melcher got out, slammed the door, and strode with purpose up my front walk.

Chapter 8
    The chief’s hard pounding on the front door sent shock waves through me. I braced myself against the kitchen counter, my stomach queasy. He’d found me out, hadn’t he. My cursed past. A little digging into my background—and suddenly Billy King didn’t look like the best suspect anymore …
    More pounding. I couldn’t move.
    Pete appeared from the hallway, a frown on his face. “All right, all ready, I’m comin’.” He spotted me, my fingers digging dents in the counter tile—and raised his eyebrows.
    “It’s Melcher.”
    Pete stopped. Looked from me to the door. “Want me to answer?” he stage-whispered.
    No. I gulped in oxygen. Being laid bare, my sins uncovered, would be bad enough. But to happen in front of Pete, who’d never doubted a word I said …
    Melcher pounded again.
    “Answer it.” The words shot from my mouth. There was no running from this. Hadn’t I always known this day would come?
    Already I could feel myself shutting down, the old barriers coming up.
    Lord, help me. Even if I don’t deserve it.
    Pete pulled back the door.
    “Is Miss Miller here?”
    “Yup.” Pete didn’t move from the doorway.
    “I need to talk to her.” Impatience tinged Melcher’s words.
    “I’m coming, Pete.” Somehow my legs found the strength to move me into the gathering

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