Where Wildflowers Bloom: A Novel
and Grandpa were settled in the Saxons’ covered buggy, Curt shook the reins and they rolled west toward Pioneer Lake. Beyond the edge of town the road narrowed, winding between groves of oaks and chokecherry. Sunlight sifted through the branches, gilding water pooled in low spots.
    Rosemary poked her brother. “Can’t we travel any faster? The day will be over before we ever arrive.”
    “Moses only has one speed. Maybe you can make him hurry.” He handed her the reins.
    She flicked them over the horse’s back. He jolted forward for several paces, then settled into his former walk.
    Curt snickered. “What did I tell you?”
    Faith’s throat tightened at the sight of brother and sister enjoying each other’s company. A shiver rolled over her. She missed Maxwell. Even after two years, memories of her brother never failed to bring tears to her eyes. The sooner they left Missouri, the better.

    C urt stood on the shore of Pioneer Lake, shading his eyes against the sun that ricocheted off the glittering water. An image of himself hiding submerged in a creek jumped unbidden into his mind, obscuring the peaceful scene. He felt the water moving over his skin, and the choking sensation of trying to suck sufficient air through a hollow reed.
    He balled his hands into fists. Not now. Not in front of Faith and her granddad. Cold sweat prickled his body. He took a deep breath and held it until he heard his pulse thud. The image faded. Curt raised his head, gasping. The lake sparkled in front of him.
    The group sitting on blankets under a shade tree looked up from their conversation when he stumbled toward them.
    Faith smiled in his direction. “There’s enough here for another meal. I was about to put the leftovers away.”
    He collapsed next to Rosemary, relieved no one had noticed his weak-kneed gait. “I’ll help you eat them.” Holding his hand steady, he reached for the jar of peach jam and spooned a portion onto a biscuit. “I can taste summer in this fruit. Warm July evenings. Heat lightning.” He forced a smile. “I volunteer to pick peaches for you when they come ripe.”
    “I hope you’ll pick some for us too.” Rosemary glanced at him with affection in her eyes.
    Faith leaned forward, hands clasped in her lap. “We’ll be leaving before July.”
    Curt dropped the uneaten portion of his biscuit to his plate. Faith would be gone in a few months? A sense of loss rocked through him. Then he forced himself to consider the bright side. He could relax. He’d no longer have to fight his attraction to the petite girl with the ready smile and bottomless blue eyes.
    “Where are you going?”
    “Grandpa and I are headed for Oregon as soon as we can sell the mercantile.”
    “Don’t put words in my mouth. I haven’t agreed yet.” Judge Lindberg struggled to his feet.
    Faith rose. “Grandpa—”
    “This is a family matter. We’ll discuss our plans later.” He limped toward the buggy.
    Rosemary stepped next to Faith. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Tears glittered on her cheeks. “I don’t want you to go.”
    Faith looked like she was struggling not to cry. “I didn’t mean to blurt things out like that. I wanted to talk to you first. Sometimes my mouth runs off with me.” She slipped an arm around Rosemary’s waist. “I’m sorry.”
    “Don’t apologize. I shouldn’t have assumed you’d always be here.” Rosemary swiped at her tears. “You won’t be leaving for a month or more, will you?”
    “Everything depends on whether we can sell the mercantile. And you heard Grandpa. Sounds like you and I have lots of time.”
    Curt watched them, wishing he could comfort his sister. Faith’s friendship had made a difference in Rosemary’s life. She’d overcome her reluctance to face the stares of the proper ladies in town. He’d even caught her humming while she worked in her garden. Without Faith to draw her out, would she isolate herself again?

    Grandpa sat at the kitchen table munching

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