Becoming a Lady

Free Becoming a Lady by Adaline Raine

Book: Becoming a Lady by Adaline Raine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adaline Raine
the morning.”
    Anna nodded as she was helped into bed.  “Thank you.”
    Lynna touched her forehead.  “No need.  Rest well, Miss.”  She left the basin and a cloth by the bed and went out.
    Anna thought back and realized she had been unsteady ever since her evening meal.  Anna pulled the blanket up.  Why was Sir William still paying her mind?  He had prevented the one attack from Sir Randal who was hanged at dawn for treason the very next morn, and seemed to be around whenever one of the men caused her distress.  Anna closed her eyes and opened them.  Could he mean that something was going to happen to Lord Wendel on this night ?

    Anna tossed and turned.  She thought about the events over the past few nights.   She realized now that the other men that had hurt her that night were no longer in the village.  A few had gone off on important missions to never return while others had been hanged for one reason or another.  The only one that had yet to face his consequence was Lord Wendel.  Anna closed her eyes again and opened them.  What did this mean?  What was his purpose?  Anna fell into a fitful sleep.  The answers could only be given by Sir William.
    Anna woke and carefully got out of bed so that she did not disturb Lord Wendel and stepped out onto the balcony.  Her head was still dizzy, but her stomach felt a bit better.  Anna walked back into the main room and saw that Lord Wendel had taken his evening ale at his bedside.  He must have been unusually occupied for this to occur, especially since the feast had gone on for so long.  Anna walked over to the bed.  His eyes were open.

    “ Lord Wendel?”  Anna walked to his side.  “Are you awake?” 
    She touched his shoulder and began to scream.  His eyes were glazed over.  She had slept next to a dead man !

Anna continued to scream; a hand reached out from behind, and she was struck across the face.  She crumpled to the floor and started to cry.  
    “ Attend to her at once, and do not let anyone leave the village until this matter is solved.”

Vaguely she was aware that she was moving.  She slowly became aware that she was being washed - but why?  Then she remembered that in her terror she had lost control of her bowels.  She was put in a clean gown and her hair was washed and arranged.  She could feel what was occurring, but she could do little to engage in what was going on around her.  Anna drifted to sleep several times only to awaken from nightmares.

    “ Has she been like this all day?”

    Anna heard Lynna answer back.  “Yes, My Lord.”
My Lord!  It was Sir William.  She blinked several times.  “Why did she call you My Lord?”  Anna’s head snapped up.  Several strands of hair fell in front of her face.  Lord Wendel was dead and the title was given to the next man in charge of the village.  

Lynna gasped as she moved Anna’s hair back from her face. 
    “ Oh, Miss?  Are you all right?”

    “ I will attend to her.”  He dismissed Lynna with the flick of his hand and she curtsied low before leaving.

    Anna was even more confused than she had been the previous night.  She was staring up at him with so many questions.  Questions, she slowly began to realize, that would still not be answered .

Anna was pulled to her feet slowly. 
    “ I must state that I cannot slumber peacefully in that room.”

    “ You are to address me as ‘My Lord.’”  He took her arm.  “The only time that you are to freely speak to me are when we are in chambers, is that clear?”  

    Anna felt like she was going to be sick again.  “Yes, My Lord.”

    “ Do not misunderstand my words.”  Lord William led her into the hallway.  “You are mine to do with what I please.”

    “ Yes, My Lord.”  Anna knew she was pushing his tolerance of her boldness.  She had simply been concerned about lying in the same room that Lord Wendel had

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