Crazy in Love

Free Crazy in Love by Dandi Daley Mackall

Book: Crazy in Love by Dandi Daley Mackall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dandi Daley Mackall
let him answer because I couldn’t stand it if he said no.
    I punch buttons. “Hey. I’m really sorry about that. So, you can talk to Star?”
    “What?” But it’s Jackson’s voice. “What do you mean?”
    I’m still on with Jackson! “Nothing! Sorry. I’ll be right back.”
    I punch buttons again. “Nicole?”
    “This is getting really old, Mary Jane. And now my bratty stepbrother’s with me. Just promise me that you and Jackson aren’t talking.”
    “What?” It is a trap! She knows he’s talking to me on the other line!
    “Or seeing each other or anything,” she adds.
    I pull myself together. “Give me a break, Nicole,” I plead.
    “I’ll do what I can,” Nicole promises.
    I’m aching to go back to Jackson. “Thanks. See you in school tomorrow!”
    “Tomorrow’s Saturday, Mary Jane,” she explains.
    “Okie doke.” I don’t think I’ve ever said “okie doke” in my whole life, and even in my confused state, I promise myself that I’ll never say it again. “Bye.” I press the button before she has a chance to start anything else.
    “Hi again,” I say, pulling out my sexy M.J . voice. “Sorry about that. I had to get rid of somebody.”
    “What?” It’s Nicole. I’ve done it again, pressed the wrong button. Somebody should commit me.
    I think fast. “Uh—I had to get rid of my mom?” I clear my throat as a possible explanation for the low, sexy voice. “So now we can say good-bye. Mom’s gone. So bye, Nicole.”
    “Whatever,” Nicole says. And she hangs up.
    That leaves me alone with Jackson House. There is nowhere else on earth I’d rather be.
    “Okay. I’m here. All yours.” As soon as I say it, Plain Jane calls me slut . But I don’t care. “Sorry that took so long.”
    “Me, too,” Jackson says. “Now I’ve got to run.”
    “Nuh-uh,” I say, sounding five years old. But it feels like he’s leaving forever, going overseas to fight in an unjust war and die for love and country.
    “’Fraid so,” he says bravely. “I’m glad you’re not taking the gossip to heart.” There’s a pause. “We did have fun at Cassie’s, though. I guess I’d never seen that side of you before.”
    “What side?” I want to be sure I fully display the right side from now on. Lately, I’ve had more sides than an octagon.
    He laughs, and I tumble into the sound of it. “I don’t know,” he begins. “Weird that we’ve gone to the same schools and never gotten to know each other until now.”
    “Yeah. Weird.” But the words repeating in my brain are “. . . until now . . . until now .” They’re right up there with “See ya.”

    When Jackson and I disconnect, I plop back on my bed and stare up at the black ceiling. Even it can’t spoil my mood. The ceiling is filled with images of Jackson, including imagined ones of Jackson and me. I replay every word of our conversation—editing out Nicole’s interruptions—and search for deeper meaning in all of his words. I have to fight the urge to go over all the things I should have said. I must believe that I’ll have another chance to say them. Soon.
    The rents return and leave Sandy in my care so they can go out “on a date.” They do this more Friday nights than I would ever admit to my friends. It’s embarrassing to know that my rents have a more active dating life than I do.
    I pop popcorn, and Sandy and I settle in to watch the Scooby-Doo movie for the eighty-seventh time. I don’t mind because I’m not seeing the oversized dog or the characters who never change their clothes. I’m still playing my own little Jackson House movie in my head.
    The phone rings, and I leap off the couch to answer it. My foot catches on the arm of the couch, and I fall on my face. Popcorn flies.
    “Marwyjan! You okay?” Sandy runs over to scrape me off the floor.
    “The phone!” I whisper, because the wind was knocked out of me. “Get the phone!” I’m imagining Jackson on the other end of the phone, waiting

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