The Way You Look Tonight

Free The Way You Look Tonight by Carlene Thompson

Book: The Way You Look Tonight by Carlene Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carlene Thompson
    â€˜They’ve seen it,’ Brian said.
    Joe moved past Evan. ‘ I haven’t. Come on, Brian. I want to see if it’s like the one I had when I was a kid.’
    Brian looked doubtful. ‘You want us to go away so Evan can tell Mommy something bad’s happened to Daddy.’
    â€˜If something bad has happened to your daddy, we don’t know anything about it. We just came for a visit,’ Joe said. ‘Come on, kids. You too, Scarlett.’ Deborah was surprised he remembered the dog’s name. He’d only been in their home a couple of times. ‘Let me see the train.’
    Barbara smiled encouragingly with pale lips. ‘Please, children. Your daddy wouldn’t like it if you were rude to guests.’
    Reluctantly the children led the two adults into the living room with Scarlett trailing suspiciously behind. Deborah took Evan to the kitchen, then said in a strangled voice, ‘What is it?’
    Evan clasped his hands together. A crease appeared between his bright blue eyes. He looked tired and deeply concerned. ‘Deborah, you know about Artie Lieber, don’t you?’
    â€˜Artie Lieber?’ she repeated vacantly. ‘The man who assaulted Steve’s sister? What about him?’
    â€˜He got parole two months ago.’
    â€˜So soon? It’s only been fifteen years.’
    â€˜He played the game, Deborah. Got counseling, maintained the model prisoner role. Anyway, everything was going okay until last week.’
    Deborah continued to look at him imploringly. ‘I didn’t know Lieber was out on parole, but please don’t make me drag every word out of you, Evan. What is going on? Where’s Steve?’
    â€˜We don’t know. After you called the second time, I phoned Joe and we’ve been looking ever since. Then Barbara said we’d better get over here to you and leave the searching to the police.’
    Deborah froze. ‘The police?’
    â€˜I don’t understand.’
    Evan’s tanned face seemed to tighten. He glanced away uncomfortably, then looked back at her. ‘Listen, Deborah, it was Steve’s testimony that put Lieber away.’
    â€˜Yes, I know that much.’
    â€˜Maybe you didn’t know Lieber always claimed Steve was lying – that Steve was the one who attacked Emily.’
    â€˜That’s ridiculous,’ Deborah burst out, appalled at the accusation but equally shocked that Steve had never told her of it. ‘Steve wouldn’t hurt anybody, especially his own sister !’
    â€˜I know that as well as you do. But Lieber stuck to his story for all those years. And Deborah, he was spotted in Charleston yesterday. That’s what Joe called about last night. He wanted to warn Steve that Lieber was here in town – just half a mile from your house, as a matter of fact.’
    â€˜Oh, God.’ Deborah closed her eyes. ‘There’s more, though, isn’t there? Go ahead – tell me,’ she said dully.
    â€˜Just that Lieber once told a cellmate that when he got out he was going to make Steve pay for putting him away. And now Steve is missing.’

    Steve’s not missing – he’s just misplaced, Deborah almost said, then started giggling. Evan threw her a disconcerted glance. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said, gasping. ‘I’m just…I’m just…’ The room darkened and she sagged. Evan caught her before she hit the floor. ‘Good lord, I’ve never fainted in my life,’ she mumbled.
    He sat her on the bench of the refectory table and went to the cabinet where they stored the liquor. She saw him pour dark liquid into a glass. ‘Chivas Regal, twelve years old,’ she could hear Steve saying to Pete. Oh, lord.
    â€˜Drink this,’ Evan ordered.
    â€˜I hate whiskey.’
    Deborah drained the glass, then almost choked as fire burned down her throat

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