Dream With Me (With Me Book 4)
click. You never had one of those?” I cross my arms, studying Griff closely, but he doesn’t give away anything. “I can’t believe it. You haven’t? You’ve never had a feeling about something?
    “When I stepped out of the car with my parents when we toured Green’s campus, I knew . I hadn’t even set a foot onto the lawn. It happened instantly. I unclicked my seat belt, got out, and hadn’t even shut the car door when it hit me. Green College felt like home. I just knew it was going to be where I went to college. So I applied for early decision and got in. I didn’t have to think twice. Up until that visit? I always thought I’d be going to NYU or Columbia. But I had a feeling and I always trust my instincts. You’ve really never had that?”
    Griff stares at me for a long moment. “Three times,” he says in a low voice. “I went with my instinct last night.”
    I blush, remembering what happened. “What about the other two?”
    Griff turns away, his brow furrowed. We’re nearing the “top” of Church Street, and we cross to the other side. “I ignored the other two.”
    “What were they?”
    “Evie,” Griff says quietly, “I’m really not in the mood to talk about the other two.”
    “Okay,” I say, slightly hurt for some reason.
    “One of them is . . .” Griff stops in front of an Irish pub where we can hear live music playing. “It’s not great. Both of them aren’t, actually. I don’t want to ruin things.”
    “Okay,” I say again and give myself an internal shake. This is supposed to be fun. “We won’t talk about it then. So, you’re not the kind of guy who goes by instincts and feelings and stuff.”
    “No, I’m not. I think things through. I try to view all the angles before I make a decision.”
    “Except for last night,” I remind him.
    “Except for that.” Griff eyes the menu at the pub. “Does this interest you?”
    I love this pub but there aren’t many vegan options from what I can see. It also looks crowded and noisy. “No,” I say and tug on Griff’s hand. “Let’s keep walking.”
    “So, what are your plans after graduation?” Griff asks after a long moment.
    “I’m returning to New York.”
    “I mean . . . are you going to live back at home?”
    “No,” I say. Despite that I’m nothing like my sisters, we get along. We don’t share our deepest, private secrets but we’re still pretty close. “I’m going to crash at Meredith’s place for a few days while I apartment hunt. I’ll be working at Transfixed as a paid intern, if you can believe that.”
    “What’s Transfixed?”
    I’m not surprised Griff doesn’t know of the company. He doesn’t seem to be the kind of a guy who is up on the latest trends. “Transfixed is this new makeup and skin care line that broke out in the last six months. Super popular. Lily Harlow founded it. You know who that is, right?”
    “You’d have to be from Mars not to know who Lily Harlow is.”
    “Right? Sole heir to the Harlow fortune? She started this company. Transfixed is going to be huge, and I get to be a part of that.”
    “Is that what you want to do?”
    “Well, not for my whole career. I’d love to have my own makeup and skin care company. Start out small. Freelance. Build it. See this nail polish? I made it. It’s called A Pair of Fine Eyes .”
    “You like Pride and Prejudice ?”
    “Yeah. That’s one of my favorite books. I can never just choose one favorite.” I catch Griff’s curious, arrested look and feel myself blush. “Secret’s out, I guess. I’m a huge bookworm.”
    “Well, like I always say, you can’t trust someone who doesn’t read.”
    “Exactly. What about you?”
    “Like you, I can’t choose. I read everything.”
    I raise my eyebrows. “ Everything? Even romances?”
    “Yes.” Griff just gives me a look. “You have a problem with that?”
    “I love them,” I say.
    “Well, so do I.”
    I’m not sure I believe him. “Name one you love.”

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