Men of Firehouse 44: Colby and Bianca's Story

Free Men of Firehouse 44: Colby and Bianca's Story by Elizabeth A. Veatch, Crystal G. Smith

Book: Men of Firehouse 44: Colby and Bianca's Story by Elizabeth A. Veatch, Crystal G. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth A. Veatch, Crystal G. Smith
me some of it, but I think there is still more she is hiding.  Just don’t know what it is.”
                  “Have you asked her about it?  Maybe she is waiting for you to ask.  Or maybe she wants to know if you have figured it out yet.  You know how women are, half the time they want you to figure everything out on their own.”
                  “Not Bianca.  She’s different.  She’ll tell me when the time is right.  She can’t be pushed.  If I push her, she’ll run or close herself off more.”
                  “Huh.  I thought chicks liked to talk about their problems.”
                  “Not this one.  Let’s get this shit unloaded.  Where the hell is everyone?”
                  “Don’t worry, they’ll be here.”
                   Bianca hadn’t even made it out of the car when she heard Crystal whistle and turned looking at what had caught her attention.  Immediately she smiled, hell yeah.  That was exactly what she thought Crystal had noticed and he was all hers.
                  “Now that is what I’m talking about.”  Crystal smacked her lips loudly as she is had just applied lip balm.
         There stood two Adonis looking men unloading the back of a black and silver-pick-up truck.  Their muscles straining across their tan bare backs as they pulled coolers out to set them upon the grassy hill. The sun beat down on them, making their skin glisten. 
                  Bianca could tell which one was Colby.  It was easy.  And the sweat was calling out to her to lick it clean.
         Getting out of the car they , quietly closed their doors and sat on the hood of the car so they could continue admiring the view before them. 
         Bianca could feel the tightening of her budding desire as she watched him bend over stretching the material tightly across his firm ass.  Catching her breath, she remembered digging her fingers into that ass just this morning. Moaning out and calling out his name as he thrust his hips and slid his cock into her repeatedly.
                  Her cheeks and body was on fire and the minute he turned, smiled and bent his head to the side, her eyes glued themselves to him as her pussy went into hyper drive.
                  She watched as he jogged over to greet her, leaning down and pressing an innocent kiss to her cheek.
                  “Glad you made it.  Did you have any problems finding the place?”
                  “Uh…nope.  Easy.”  Her words came out more breathy and quicker than she had intended.  He just smiled at her before turning his attention to Crystal.
                  “Who do we have here?”  He smiled.
                  “What?  Oh…sorry, this is my friend, Crystal Angel.  Crystal, this is Colby.  He is the neighbor that I was telling you about.”
                  Taking her hand, Colby shook it and gave her a sexy smile.  His normal smile, but sexy as hell.  “Nice to meet you.  I hope you like to swim and can put up with some rambunctious firemen.
                  “If they look anything like you, I’ll be just fine.”  Crystal whispered.
                  Laughing, he turned.  “Drew, come over here.  There’s someone I want you to meet.”
                  Bianca couldn’t help but to notice the strange look on Drew and Crystal’s face as he approached.
                  “Shit.”  Crystal muttered under her breath.
                  “Hey, you okay?  Your face looks like its on fire.”  Bianca whispered into her ear.
                  “Nope.”  Was Crystal’s only response.
                  “Drew, this is my neighbor Bianca.  I do believe you have seen her a time or two.  And this is a friend of hers. 

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