Louise Rennison_Georgia Nicolson 07
the covers up over us all again. I felt like weeping. And I did. Tears started welling up in my eyes. How could this happen to me? I wasn’t a really bad person. OK, I was a bit snappy with Jas,but that was understandable. I couldn’t bear to go to school again. Lindsay would know what had happened and she would make my life a misery.
    I am sooo miserable and lonely.
    two minutes later
    The cats started doing violent sneezing under the covers and then started wiggling their way up the bed.
    two minutes later
    I have Gordy’s head on one side of me and Angus’s on the other. I believe they sense my pain.
    five minutes later
    Angus put his tongue in my ear!!! How disgusting is that? I might not have a boyfriend, but I have got to No. 6 on the snogging scale with my cat.
    saturday june 25th
8:30 a.m.
    Woke up and thought I had gone blind. Actually it was because I hadn’t taken my mascara off and my eyes had stuck together.
    I trailed down to the loo. No one was up, ofcourse. I could hear snoring from practically every room.
    in the bathroom
    I looked in the mirror. My hair was completely stuck on end, and eye shadow and mascara had dribbled round my eyes like a panda. Also I must have fallen asleep on my face because my nose was flattened out. Who cares, though? My nose could spread itself all over my head for all I cared.
    I could become just a nose with arms and legs. A walking nose like Vati. No one liked me. I would never have a boyfriend.
    I let the cats out because they couldn’t be arsed going through the cat flap. They were just sitting in front of the cat flap and yowling. As soon as I opened the door they dashed straight over the wall and into Mr. Next Door’s fish pond. They always do this. Every morning they go straight to the fish pond and stare into it. They know very well that there are no goldfish in there. They know because it was them who ate them. Do they think that somehow miraculously during the night the BigPussycat in the Sky made goldfish rain down?
    Huh, I’d like to tell them there is no Big Pussycat in the Sky.
    in my bedroom
10:00 a.m.
    Back in bed. I have still got my panda makeup on. I like it. I may never wash again. Sounds of life downstairs. Mum called up: “Georgie, we’re off swimming. Want to come?”
    I didn’t even bother replying. Panda Woman does not go swimming. She stays in her room like Lady Haversham in that Dickens book, what is it called? Crap Expectations , I think. Anyway, Lady Haversham is getting married but her fiancé doesn’t turn up on her wedding day, so she just sits in her wedding dress gathering cobwebs for years and years. Until she accidentally sets fire to herself with a candle. He’s a laugh, Charlie Dickens, not. He should get together with Call-Me-Arnold.
    thirty minutes later
    They’ve all gone out.
    On my owney, all aloney.
    I know what will happen. The ace gang will be ringing all morning and asking me what happened.
    two minutes later
    I wonder if he was with Wet Lindsay last night? I can imagine her face on Monday. All full of herself. Swishing her extensions around like a fool. Urgh. Oh I can’t stand it. I must run away.
    one minute later
    I could catch the boat train to Paris and live in a garret.
    I could cash in all my savings and just go.
    Au revoir tout le monde.
    five minutes later
    I haven’t got any savings. I forgot I bought those cripply shoes that I had to have surgically removed by the doctor.
    in libby’s room
ten minutes later
    I hate to do this, but I am desperate. I will have to raid Libby’s piggybank. She will forgive me inyears to come and know that her big sis had just had enough.
    ten minutes later
    What sort of mind thinks you put baked beans in a piggybank?
    Unless she thinks it’s a real piggy. Which she probably does.
    Libby’s room is like something in a horror film. There are bits of dolls’ arms everywhere and hideous piles of pants

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