Joy Argento - Carrie and Hope

Free Joy Argento - Carrie and Hope by Joy Argento

Book: Joy Argento - Carrie and Hope by Joy Argento Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joy Argento
the room across from their table. The waiter had arrived within moments of their being seated to bring them fresh bread in a basket and pour water into their glasses.
    Hope glanced up from the menu in her hands. “Remember, this is my treat, so order anything you want,” she said to Carrie.
    The fireplace added a soft glow to the low lighting and soft music played in the background. Dark, rich wood lined the walls, giving the place an elegant yet rustic look.
    Carrie put down her menu. “Well in that case, I’ll have the lobster, the steak, the most expensive bottle of wine they have and two servings of tiramisu for dessert.”
    “All right then. As long as you’re sure.” Hope’s smile lit up her face. Carrie thought it made her look even more beautiful. “I guess I’ll just have water then, because I’m not going to be able to afford two meals if you are going to eat all that.”
    “Oh sure, offer me food and then make me feel guilty about it. I guess I’ll just get the grilled salmon, and a cheap glass of wine.”
    “How about you get the grilled salmon and a good glass of wine?” Hope put her menu down on the table.
    “And maybe we can share a tiramisu for dessert?” Carrie tilted her head with the question.
    “If you behave.”
    The waiter returned to the table. “Are you ready to order?” he asked. He was tall, with short dark hair and a handsome smile. His well-defined muscles could be seen even though his white dress shirt. But neither woman noticed.
    “We are,” Hope nodded. “Go ahead, Carrie,” she said to her companion.
    “I’ll have the grilled salmon. For my side can I get a baked potato with the sour cream and blue cheese dressing on the salad?”
    “And to drink?” The waiter asked.
    “I am going to just have water,” she said, “and could we get some lemon wedges, please.”
    “Go ahead and order wine,” Hope told her.
    “No, I just want water tonight, thanks.” Carrie smiled.
    “You don’t have to worry about driving. Are you sure you don’t want a drink?” Carrie just shook her head. “All right, if you’re sure.” Hope turned back to the waiter, “I’ll have the same.” She picked up both menus and handed them to him. “Thanks.”
    He returned two minutes later with a dish of lemon wedges. Carrie picked up a piece of the yellow fruit and squeezed a bit of juice from it into her glass of water before dropping it in.
    “How was your day?” Hope asked.
    “It was good. I snuck out of work early and did a little painting.” She leaned forward and whispered, “But don’t tell anyone.”
    Hope leaned forward, too, and whispered, “I won’t.”
    Now it was Carrie’s turn to ask. “How was your day? Did you remember to wash after every mouth?”
    “Yes, I washed after every mouth.” Hope grinned. “My day was good. We had two last minute cancellations so I got to leave on time, which doesn’t always happen.”
    “You did a great job picking the restaurant by the way. I love this place. They have great food.”
    “I’m glad you like it. I’ve never been here before.”
    Carrie was surprised. “How come you picked a place that you’ve never been too?”
    “I looked up some places online. I wanted some place nice, but not so nice that you had to wear your bridesmaid’s dress. The thought of that just scared me.” Hope gave a laugh that was matched by Carrie’s. “I looked at what got good customer reviews. This place came out on top. So, I guess you aren’t the only one that likes it.”
    “I guess that means I have good taste.”
    “Yes, I think that means you have good taste.” Hope couldn’t help but notice the fire nearby casting a warm glow on Carrie’s skin and dancing in her green eyes. She felt lost in those eyes for a second. Carrie is a beautiful woman. Anyone would notice how smooth her skin looks and how green her eyes are. Hope justified the thoughts to herself, and she believed it…at least for a little while.
    Carrie was right.

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