The Sheik's Secret Twins

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Book: The Sheik's Secret Twins by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
strong fingers, his thumb rubbing the already taut nipple and making her body flinch with the need to feel him, her legs pulling him closer and her arms reaching for him as well. 
    She pushed the jacket off his shoulders, then started working on the buttons of his shirt, but she couldn’t make them open fast enough.  In the end, he stood up and unbuttoned the top two buttons, then simply pulled the dress shirt over his head, tossing it behind him before coming back.  He took her hand and pressed her palm against his stomach and Siri didn’t need any other invitation.  Her fingers had always loved to touch him, to feel his heated skin underneath her fingertips.  He inhaled sharply when her fingers moved lower, running along the top edge of his slacks, slipping underneath before coming back out and working on his belt buckle. 
    He grabbed both of her hands, pulling them out to the sides as he bent to take her nipple in his mouth, sucking hard before gentling, then circling the hard peak with his tongue. 
    “Take it off,” she gasped, begging him with both the words and her body to move the bra out of the way.  She didn’t want anything between his tongue and her breast, needing all of him like she’d never needed anyone else. 
    “With pleasure,” he said with a husky laugh and his hands quickly unlatched the snap and pulled off the red lace, tossing it behind him before bringing his head back down to suckle her again, pulling her nipple into his mouth until she cried out for relief. 
    “Is this all you are going to do?” she asked, taunting him with words since he was still holding her hands out to the sides.  She couldn’t move and couldn’t make him go faster.  She was trapped and wanted him inside her so desperately she was writhing on the bed, her legs rubbing against his side in an attempt to push him over the edge so he would take her, make her whole like he’d done in the past. 
    He looked down at her and she could see that he was working hard to restrain himself, to go slower for her.  She shook her head.  “Take your time later,” she begged, licking her lips in desperate need.
    He watched her and tried for control, but when she arched against him, pressing herself against his erection and showing him that she was ready for him , he didn’t want to hold back .  “Please Malik, I’m already begging!”
    He tried for a moment longer, but when she pressed against him again, he cursed under his breath and stood up, releasing her hands and stepping back so he could take off his slacks.  Siri didn’t hesitate either.  She sat up and slid her own slacks off, too far gone by this point for any sort of common sense to enter into the scene.  She needed him, he was here and he wanted her.  Those were the only things she understood. 
    “I’m sorry,” he groaned when he came back to her, pressing her back against the mattress and pulling her legs back against his waist.  He reached down, his fingers seeking the soft folds and finding her more than ready for him. 
    “I’ve missed you so much!” he said a moment before he pushed himself into her, pulling one of her legs over his shoulder so he could go deeper, press her harder. 
    As he moved inside her, Siri reveled in how wonderful it felt, how whole and perfect he felt.  She hated the fact but she’d never wanted this from any other man.  And then he sped up and her thoughts flew out the window.  She desperately needed….she reached up and held on, knowing that he’d never let her down and arched into his thrusts.  Just when she didn’t think she could take anymore, he reached down, his fingers pressing against her and she splintered outward, every cell in her body exploding with pleasure so intense she wasn’t sure if she cried out or simply cried.  She just hung onto his strong body, her whole self becoming a part of him in those moments. 
    It took a long time, but finally she was able to open her eyes and look around. 

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