The Sheik's Secret Twins

Free The Sheik's Secret Twins by Elizabeth Lennox

Book: The Sheik's Secret Twins by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
sexy, leather jacket. 
    With a deep breath, she opened the door slowly, wishing she could just ignore him completely and keep her children to herself.  Do the right thing, she told herself sternly. 
    “I thought you would call me back , ” she said in lieu of a greeting as she leaned against her front door as if it could somehow protect her from the impact this man continued to have on her .  An impact she resented now and wished she could banish from her life. 
    He put a hand to her door and gently pressed the door open wider.  Once he was inside, he closed the door himself, looking at her with desire in his eyes.  “I didn’t want to wait.  I got your message and came over.”
    She quickly retreated behind one of the large chairs, a new defense that she also realized was weak as he came closer and she could smell his subtle, spicy aftershave.  “How did you know where I lived?” she asked nervously, wishing her voice was stronger.  But he was looking at her as if he wanted to….well, taste her, she thought as she watched his eyes look at her trembling mouth. 
    He moved slowly around the chair, never taking his eyes from his prey as he relentlessly stalked her.  “Same resources that found your cell phone earlier.”
    She stepped back and shook her head. “I really don’t like those resources.”
    He stepped closer, his tall body crowding her and she stepped back, wanting space from the heat emanating from his body. 
    “They’re good resources.”
    “They’re nosy resources that have invaded my privacy ,” she said b ut this came out as a whisper.  Her eyes moved over him, noting his strong jaw, shoulders that were impossibly broad and muscled and a chest that tapered to slim hips and long, powerful legs. 
    “You’re beautiful,” he said and this time he was less than an inch from her.  His hand came up, a finger gently caressing her cheek.  “I’m going t kiss you.”
    “Please don’t,” she croaked out.  She tried to turn her head, but his finger stopped her, somehow holding her still while his head slowly, ever so slowly descended towards hers. 
    “I don’t think I can stop myself,” he replied and covered her mouth with his.  She gasped and his tongue took full advantage of the possibility, moving inside, tasting her, teasing her to participate in the kiss. 
    She tried for all of two seconds to resist.  But those feelings that had been there four years ago were actually more powerful now.  He was more powerful, his ability to lure her in complete.  She wished she were stronger, and then she didn’t wish for anything except having his arms around her, his body pressing against hers the way he used to do for her.  She wanted him too desperately for anything intelligent to contradict.  With a moan, she wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands gripping his shoulders to pull him closer to her. 
    He quickly complied, his hands moving from her head down her body, skimming against her back and her waist to reacquaint himself with her once again.  And she loved it, reveled in his touch and his scent and the way he felt against her.  It had been four years since any man had touched her like this and, truth be told, he was the only one who had ever tempted her to want this. 
    He lifted her up and pressed her against him, his hands taking control but Siri needed no prompting.  Her legs automatic ally wrapped around his waist and she pressed against him, wishing their clothing wasn’t in the way. 
    Next thing she knew, she was falling but his arms were still securely holding her.  When she felt the mattress underneath her back, she almost sighed with relief, but that’s when he lifted himself up slightly and pulled her sweater over her head, his heated gaze looking at her with the red, lace bra.  She held her breath, praying that he wouldn’t just look but she shouldn’t have worried because his hand smoothed up her stomach, cupping her right breast in his long,

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