Ibenus (Valducan series)

Free Ibenus (Valducan series) by Seth Skorkowsky

Book: Ibenus (Valducan series) by Seth Skorkowsky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Seth Skorkowsky
Gerhard Entz, Umatri's new protector. Gerhard, this is Samantha Coxall."
    She set the food down and offered her hand. Her large, bright eyes deceptively gave her the appearance of a teenager. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she said in German, a bare hint of some strange accent to it.
    "And you," Gerhard said, accepting it.
    "I look forward to working with you," she said. "I've never seen Umatri in action."
    Gerhard smiled, unsure how to respond.
    "Sam is Taras' squire, or student, if you prefer," Alex said. "She's also a language enthusiast. Fluent in four and always working on more."
    "Five," she corrected with a little smile. "My Swedish just needs a little tuning."
    "Don't brag," Taras said, filling the glasses. "Not until you can beat Master Sonu."
    Her full lips curled into a pout.
    Taras turned to the two men. "Is there anything else we can get for you?"
    "This is fine," Alex said. "Thank you."
    Sam gave Gerhard a final smile, then followed Taras out, closing the door behind her.
    Not ready to let Umatri go, Gerhard laid the keris across his lap and picked up the sandwich. He ate in silence, thankful for the interruption. Alex's conviction troubled him. This whole affair was so strange, so unbelievable. Demons. Modern knights living in a mansion. Angels inhabiting weapons. Yes, Umatri was special, that he was sure, but the rest… This was a cult.
    The old man nibbled at his food as he watched Gerhard. "I know this is all a bit overwhelming for you."
    Gerhard nodded. He sipped his water. "It is…a lot to process."
    "I understand. That is why I requested a week for you to consider our offer."
    "And what is that?"
    "To join us, of course. There is safety in numbers and your particular skills would be very useful in our other businesses."
    "Other businesses?"
    "All of this ," Alex gestured around them, "requires money. The Order has several businesses, real estate, and a rapidly-growing energy endeavor that finances us, but we have been without a proper accountant for some time."
    "So this is a job offer?"
    "Of course it is." Alex leaned closer. "Your life has changed now, Gerhard. Now that you have bonded with Umatri it will never be the same. I'm offering you safe haven, training, and the ability to work as a team. Independent hunters have lived long and prosperous lives, but those are rare. Police and media are a bigger threat than ever, and they become more sophisticated every day. If we are to win this war, we must align ourselves."
    Gerhard shook his head, his fingers finding Umatri for comfort. "I'm…I'm not joining any war. I don't know what this is about but I don't have any intention to kill devils , or whatever it is you mean. I came for Umatri. Nothing more."
    Drawing a contemplative breath, Alex leaned back. "I see." He reached for his cane and pushed himself up. "Come with me, please. Let us take you to your room so you can make yourself more comfortable. But first, there's someone that I would like you to meet."

Chapter Eight
    Allan tipped his coffee cup, waiting for the last drop to roll out. The excitement from the night had waned since they got home. The exhaustion was coming, looming imminent on the horizon now. No amount of caffeine could hold it back. He just needed a little bit longer.
    "It's just so weird." Victoria shook her head and tapped the keyboard. Rain pattered the carport outside, growing louder.
    "What is?" Allan rubbed his eyes and peered down to the frozen image of Chaya standing above the dead tengu, captured in the night vision's green monochrome. He saw himself there, partially out of frame, looking like some kind of ninja with his mask and black attire.
    She pursed her lips, eyes as intent on the crumpled beast as they'd been when she first watched the video three viewings ago. "It was just living there like anyone else. No one even knew."
    "Someone knew. Or at least someone finally saw it for what it was."
    Her hazel eyes met his. "How long had it lived there?"
    Allan ran

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