Me And Mr. I.T. (Kupid's Cove Book 2)

Free Me And Mr. I.T. (Kupid's Cove Book 2) by Katie Mettner

Book: Me And Mr. I.T. (Kupid's Cove Book 2) by Katie Mettner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Mettner
After kissing her tonight, I strengthened my resolve and vowed to make sure ‘Me and Mr. I.T’ lasts far longer than a few weeks.
    I ran my hands along her cheeks and then dropped them to take her hands, which trembled in mine. “I’ve been dreaming about doing that for months now.”
    “Me, too,” she said breathlessly.
    I only needed to look into her eyes to see exactly what she wanted, but couldn’t ask for. I lowered my lips to hers again, and gave her the comfort and desire she needed, the only way I knew how.

    Chapter Five
    I woke up late this morning, which is something I never do. I never oversleep, miss an appointment, or arrive late to a party. Nothing irritates me more than when people disrespect my time by being late. However, never before have I stayed up until midnight eating steak and shrimp with a good-looking guy. Why do I have to think of him as a ‘good-looking guy’? Why can’t he just be a guy? Why does the fact that he’s got good looks make it so much worse? Or does that make it better? Would it be easier to work with him if he’d been slapped with the ugly stick? I shook my head. I was even confusing myself with this line of thought. The better question might be, ‘Why were you up until midnight making out with a good-looking guy?’
    I groaned and put my head in my hand, remembering the kisses we stole right here in this office, and the one in front of my door before we parted ways last night. He took a chance and kissed me, but what happened inside me when he did, took me even more by surprise. I enjoyed his kisses, I wanted more of them, and I didn’t even care that we worked together. Those three things made for a bad combination, and I wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to do about it.
    I glanced at the clock again at the bottom of ‘Slick,’ the name I gave my new computer. I’ve accomplished more in the last three hours than I have in a whole day with the old one. What I hadn’t accomplished was figuring out a way to worm out of ‘Operation Me and Mr. I.T.’ No one else has the experience or knowledge of Kupid Enterprises to undertake this size project in my department, and no one else can snoop through employee data the way I can, either. I’m not trying to sound too big for my britches, but the marketing department only consists of three of us, and two don’t have a marketing degree. That left me to deal with Mr. I.T. and his good-looking, professionally styled hair that I discovered curls around my fingers perfectly, by myself. That wasn’t the only thing I wanted to curl my fingers around, though. His well-toned thighs begged to be touched as they strained within their denim trappings.
    I threw my hands up and stood. “You know nothing about his well-defined, toned thighs, Ellie. Good Lord, you sound like a teenager lusting after the hero of the newest vampire movie.”
    I had to get away from this place for a few minutes. Maybe a walk over to Katie and Gideon’s chalet would help me forget about him . Until their home was finished, Katie and Gideon lived in the largest employee apartment upstairs. I think we all breathed a sigh of relief about six months ago, when they moved into their new bungalow. Not because we didn’t like having them there, but it was hard to have down time when the boss lived across the hall. After they moved out, their apartment was empty, so Flynn and Winifred moved in. Winifred has become a bit of a housemother to all of us singletons and Katie-Bug has become our favorite little girl. We were definitely one big happy family, except for the one of ‘us’ who was stealing from the hand that feeds it. I wasn’t happy about this turn of events and I would work day and night if I had to in order to find out who was trying to destroy our livelihoods.
    After my trip to Katie’s I would have to bite the bullet and get together with Mr. I.T. to make a game plan on how to attack this rather large project Gideon had thrown

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