Andrea Kane

Free Andrea Kane by Samantha

Book: Andrea Kane by Samantha Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha
feelings of any kind, other than conviction and passion. I find solace in my conviction and distraction in the arms of willing women.”
    “You’re still searching,” Boyd assessed quietly.
    “You’re wrong. The dream you alluded to died long ago, along with the boy who envisioned it. Now there is only reality.”
    Boyd held Rem’s gaze. “That’s no longer enough. Not for me … and I don’t think for you. Your thirtieth birthday came and went last year, and mine two years before that. Surely life must hold more for us than rushing from one mission to the next?”
    Rem’s brows rose. “I had no idea you were unhappy.”
    “Not unhappy, Rem. Just lonely. Even jaded seamen can want something tangible to turn to in their old age, can’t they? Something that is truly theirs?”
    Abruptly, Rem turned away. “I don’t know, Boyd. I honestly don’t know.”
    “No … you don’t,” Boyd said sadly, scooping up his coat. “I pray that changes, for your sake. Good night, Rem.”

    She scarcely heard her own name or Aunt Gertrude’s being announced, so intent was she on drinking in the graceful arches that defined Almack’s famous ballroom, the rainbow of colors filling the assembly walls as the beau monde’s most noted ladies twirled by in gowns of the latest fashion and hue.
    Almack’s. How many nights had she watched Alexandria ready herself for balls such as these, always wishing, dreaming, that she could accompany her beautiful sister-in-law? How many arguments had she and Drake had over this issue, ending always with his firm refusal to bring her out one single day before her eighteenth birthday?
    At long last, she was here.
    “Aunt Gertie, I’m so happy,” Sammy breathed fervently.
    “Oh dear.” Gertrude pressed her fingers to her throat in distress. “I am becoming absentminded. I forgot to warn you, didn’t I?” She leaned closer to Sammy’s ear. “The food they serve here is atrocious,” she confided, speaking in what she presumed to be a whisper. Two of Almack’s patronesses turned around to scowl. “If you were hungry, you should have eaten before we came.”
    “I said happy, not hungry, Aunt Gertie,” Samantha explained over the strains of violin music, simultaneously gifting the notorious Lady Jersey with an apologetic smile.
    The influential matron wavered for a moment, then relented beneath Sammy’s innocent charm. With a curt nod of acceptance, she moved off.
    “I’m glad, dear.” Gertrude absently patted Sammy’s arm. “For it appears you shan’t have time to eat, anyway.” Pointedly, she rolled her eyes in the direction of the dance floor, where three eager gentlemen were crossing toward them, their delighted gazes glued to Samantha. “Your first ball promises to be a great success!”
    “If I can remember how to dance,” Sammy muttered under her breath.
    Evidently, she did, because the next few hours were spent breathlessly whirling about the room, her attention vied for by the affluent Marquess of Katerly, the persuasive Earl of Tadum, and the charmingly handsome Viscount Anders. It seemed she only just returned to her aunt’s side after each dance when she was claimed for yet another.
    Samantha’s first ball was an unequivocal and overwhelming success.
    Samantha, on the other hand, was thoroughly miserable.
    Where was he? she wondered, anxiously peering over Lord Anders’s shoulder. Why hadn’t he arrived?
    Anders winced as Sammy trod upon his foot.
    “I’m dreadfully sorry, my lord,” she apologized instantly. “I’m afraid the minuet is the dance at which I’m the clumsiest.”
    “Nonsense.” The viscount’s smile was gently reassuring. “You’re a splendid dancer. You merely missed a step, ’tis all.”
    “You’re very kind, sir.”
    “And you’re very beautiful, if I might be so bold as to say.”
    Samantha lowered her lashes, wondering how to respond to such overt flattery.
    “Now it’s my

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