Ride the Dragon : Hot Sex Mystic Fantasy

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Book: Ride the Dragon : Hot Sex Mystic Fantasy by Selena Sexton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selena Sexton
and leathery and beautiful.
    This was
Vonor, last King of the Dragons.
    He saw
the smile on her face and huffed through his nostrils. “How is it, little
angel-mine, that you do not turn and run away whenever you see me? Perhaps I
would enjoy tying you down and forcing myself on you.”
laughed. His caustic humor had scared more than one person near to death. But
she understood him. “You would not enjoy that at all, and we both know it. What
good is sex if both partners are not enjoying it?”
    He nodded
once and came closer to her. His one hand reached out and stroked her cheek.
She thrilled to his touch. “You have a wisdom that many of your kind lack,
    She took
hold of his hand, her own hands dwarfed by his one, and moved his fingers down
to her breast. “Touch me here,” she whispered. And as he did, she felt the
electric shock that connected her nipples and her vagina thrum with intense
chuckled. “Yes. Much wisdom. That’s why I chose you for this.”
turned knowing eyes on him with an eyebrow quirked. “The only reason?” She took
his other hand and encouraged him to touch the warm, slick heat between her
finger pet her pubic area, stroking the short red hairs, and pressing harder to
caress the lips of her opening. She spread her legs for him and then he was
pressing against her clit and she had to grab hold of his arms to keep from
falling down.
twisted his head closer to her ear. “Not the only reason,” he admitted.
very gently, he twisted his one finger into her crease. She moaned and whined
as she took his digit into herself. His hands were bigger than any man’s could
be, and his finger pushed her close to her limits. Not like his cock would,
when he got to it, but still.
bent his neck over so that his mouth was right next to her right nipple even as
he continued to finger the left one. She threw her head back and let his hand
take her weight as her legs trembled from excitement and arousal and need and a
hundred other emotions she never knew she would have before meeting him. His
breath was warm over her bare skin in the cool evening air, and then his tongue
was flicking at her, its serpentine length dragging across her stiff little nub
and just as he did that he twisted the finger that was up inside of her and it
set off that special spot she had just up and inside of her hole and she
screamed as she exploded over him, the first of what was sure to be many
    He let
her body work through its spasms until she was resting against him and shaking
and trying to focus her eyes.
    Then he
started on her again.
bounced his hand underneath her and the motion imitated intercourse and she
felt herself rocking with his motion, playing on his finger as though it really
were his cock.
    Then he
lifted her up into the air and off her feet.
    This was
new. This was something she had never done before, never even considered
before, being held in the air by him with his finger in her and his mouth on
her breast and the world spun around her as she tried to collect her thoughts,
tried to speak, tried to think…
    She went
off again, bucking her legs in the air, working herself around his finger. She
beat her fists against his chest and cried out in wordless ecstasy and never
wanted it to stop.
angel-mine,” he lisped against her with her breast in his mouth. “Yes, hit me
harder. Harder!”
    He asked
for this sometimes, and she didn’t understand it but did it anyway. It made him
feel better. Maybe it was the way dragons fucked each other. She didn’t know,
and she wasn’t going to ask. It was what he wanted. So she gave him what he
    Her fists
beat down on his shoulders and his chest and he was the one to moan now as she
did it and his tongue trailed up her chest and slipped around her neck
    It wasn’t
painful. It wasn’t too much so that she couldn’t breathe, but breathing became
harder and her

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