Night Angels (Beast & Beauty)

Free Night Angels (Beast & Beauty) by Jessie M

Book: Night Angels (Beast & Beauty) by Jessie M Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessie M
he go? He needed their shelter, care, and experience right now.
    “Just for a couple of days?” he asked for confirmation.
    “Until the full moon passes. It's three nights, two days, that's all,” Roxy replied, a small smile of triumph breaking through on her pretty features.
    But if she thought she had him in her clutches she had another thing coming.
    “Give me ten minutes. I need to do some urgent stuff.”
    “Okay, get your bike, we'll wait for you in the lane.” She turned to leave with Mutt and they walked away, down the driveway. He had the first proper look at their vests as they retreated and their chapter name made him smile, despite himself. 'Night Legends'.
    He disappeared back indoors and shot upstairs. He loaded a backpack with spare clothes and various bits and pieces. Then he quickly finished his 'sick note' online and texted Mel.
    “Going away, to help someone in need - it's an emergency. I'm still ill, but can't say no. See you when I get back.” He didn't need to tell her that the 'someone' was actually himself. He left it at that and turned his phone off, placing it on his desk. He needed to get through this first full moon and he'd have a serious talk with her, raise his concerns about their very new 'relationship', and then,  he'd end it, before they both got in too deep. He shot downstairs and went into the kitchen. He left his parents and Chris a note. His hand was shaking with a mixture of fear and excitement as he wrote.
    “Mum, Dad & Chris,
    Gone away for a break at a pal's place. Things need to cool down. Sorry about Martha. Put her in kennels if you go to Mauritius. Be back in a few days. Don't worry.  Things are fine... K.”
    Then he left the house, grabbing his keys and taking his bike, leaving his crash-helmet behind for the very first time. He drove up behind them and they set off. Where to, he had no idea. And even though he didn't think it was too far away, it seemed like a million miles right now.
    The lanes he knew so well flew by around him as he trailed in their wake. Roxy on her hotter than hot BMW RT1200, and Mutt astride his beaut of a Norton Commando 961. These people knew their bikes...
    Not much more than five minutes later they took a right turn, and rode up the side of a long wheat field, on a wide overgrown path, rumbling over the bumpy tractor tracks which had ploughed it all up.  Roxy looked over her shoulder at him and gave him the thumbs up sign, meaning, he presumed, they were nearly there.
    They drew in at a small very dilapidated wooden house, literally in the middle of nowhere. It was surrounded and well hidden from general view by a few trees and hedgerows. Perhaps the word 'house' was being overly generous, as it was really a long, low hay barn with windows. This wasn't Kyle's idea of a country retreat. He was a Lord's son after all, and used to the finer things in life. They dismounted, leaving their bikes next to the others, in a neat line outside. He stood at the side of his bike, unsure of himself, and feeling a rising unease. He was about to undergo one of the worst experiences of his life, a full moon one, and worse still, he was amongst people he knew nothing about. He was almost regretting his decision to follow Roxy and Mutt here, but at the same time at a loss as to what else to do.
    “Welcome to me humble digs...” Mutt said with a stupid little grin, bowing dramatically before him.
    “It's yours?” Kyle asked, curiously.
    “It's me ol' grandma's place. She left it to me three years ago when she died. Lived here all alone for twenty six years she did.”
    “Right... And this is where you all live, is it?”
    “Sometimes. We move about. There's four others,” Mutt added.
    “Tank's got money,” Roxy explained. “He buys places that suit us.”
    “What suits exactly?” Kyle enquired.
    “Location... it's gotta be remote and have access to a lot of food.”
    “What kind of food?” he asked nervously.
    “The meat kind...

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