Running To You

Free Running To You by DeLaine Roberts

Book: Running To You by DeLaine Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: DeLaine Roberts
emergency call, so he asked me to work all night and we completed the entire shoot. Fortunately, the stylist and the rest of the team were willing to stay and we just went for it. Sometimes the best things in life just happen.”
    “Uh huh, you could say that.” I turned and hid my expression because I knew my face would give me away.
    “Coop, I have to run to the airport. Today is the big day. Wish me luck!”
    “You got it, LUCK... ,” he yelled as I left for work.
    Driving to the airport, my mind rolled and rolled over the stinging last words with Grayson. Was I being out of line? Would he play along tonight like I requested or would he throw me under the bus? I couldn’t trust that he wouldn’t say or do something. So rethinking my decision last minute, I decided that I must clue Drew in on my budding relationship with Grayson Brooks.
    “Hey Drew, how are you, how was the flight?” greeting each other with a warm hug.
    “Alex, the flight was great and now, I am ready to put a bow on this deal for you tonight. It appears that you have Dr. Brooks right where you want him and right where our organization needs him.”
    Oh, boy, that is further from the truth, so unfortunately, it looks as though I have to settle this. I try to muster up some courage, and I know my face is showing despair, because Drew is giving me a strange, questioning look. “Listen Drew, there’s, hmm, well, before we get any further along with this, there’s something important that I have to let you know.” Softly sighing, trying to find my words, and my courage. “Drew, I have started dating Grayson Brooks. I wanted to keep it private for awhile to see where it goes, but he is adamant about being honest and very public from the beginning, no secrets.”
    Drew’s face is tight, his lips are pursed, and he is so quiet. He’s just staring at me. “Alex, I should fire you right here on the spot! You have a morals clause in your contract, which clearly defines any embarrassment to the organization. How could you do this?”
    “Drew, it just happened. I will fill you in on all the details, but please, please don’t fire me. I will, I CAN keep work separate. This will not affect our proposal or sale in any way!” I paused to look away; I couldn’t take his forceful glare.
    “We didn’t plan this, it just happened. Chemistry, have you ever heard of it?”
    He raised his finger, pointing it at me, “Alex, don’t take a tone with me. If this deal blows up tonight with the board team here, you will have some explaining to do, much higher up than me!”
    Our drive back over to the restaurant was quiet except for the usual calls that Drew has to deal with. I could feel from the few looks he exchanged with me, the enormous frustration he was experiencing and even more concerned that our deal would go south with Dr. Brooks. Then it really began to sink in how my actions may have compromised my future. I didn’t know how I would be able to rectify this if tonight did not go well.
    Sambuca’s private dining room was the perfect venue for our meeting and we would still be able to hear Creya singing in the background. Thinking about dancing with Grayson just a couple of nights ago, brought a smile to my face.
    “Alex, care to share with me what has you grinning so mischievously?” We were testing the audio/visual components for Drew’s presentation and I had become lost in my thoughts about Grayson.
    “Drew, I was re-thinking my outfit for tonight’s event, what I had picked, would make me blend into the black table cloths. That wouldn’t be cute, to look like I was wearing a table cloth!” I should have clued him in, but I just wasn’t ready for another round about Grayson. “Did you say service for 8, who are the extra folks coming?”
    “A couple of the venture capitalist guys have formed a new group. They have bought back into our organization, giving us more funding. I don’t know them, but Phillip has a great relationship and

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