The Bad Luck Wedding Night, Bad Luck Wedding series #5 (Bad Luck Abroad trilogy)

Free The Bad Luck Wedding Night, Bad Luck Wedding series #5 (Bad Luck Abroad trilogy) by Geralyn Dawson

Book: The Bad Luck Wedding Night, Bad Luck Wedding series #5 (Bad Luck Abroad trilogy) by Geralyn Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Geralyn Dawson
the legalities. I thought she'd wait until I returned. I didn't expect her to take it upon herself to hie off for Hunterbourne on the first clear day."
    "It's a good thing Aurora gave you a bit of trouble then, isn't it? I can just see Sarah Ross waltzing into your country house announcing Lady Weston had arrived, and your sisters ken nothing of her. And the Ice Queen, what if she'd been there?"
    Nick winced at the picture she painted, and Gillian added, "Oh, Nick, surely you've told her that you are married."
    "I'm not well and truly married. It is a technicality, one that will be dealt with as soon as Sarah and I sign the papers my solicitor has prepared. And, Two, I'd appreciate it if you would cease to refer to Helen by that unflattering name. She is a fine woman."
    Gillian snorted. "Robyn said she kicked Scooter."
    "It was an accident," he defended, shifting uncomfortably. "Helen didn't see your husband's dog."
    "What if you want to keep her?"
    Nick sighed. "I'll make certain she does not hurt Scooter again."
    "Not Helen. Sarah. What if once you see her again, you decide you want her for your wife?"
    Nick felt a pang in his chest. The thought had occurred to him, too. He'd actually spent quite a bit of time considering the idea. "No, that will not happen. I asked Sarah to leave Texas for me once. I'll not do it again."
    "Well now, isna yer back sore all the time from toting so much pride around, Lord Weston?"
    "That's not what I meant." He dragged his fingers through his hair. "I don't know how much she told you, but Sarah and I have corresponded regularly over the years and have developed a friendship of sorts."
    "She did not mention that. She was too busy swearing at you. I have to admit, I rather liked the woman."
    Nick's lips flirted with a grin at that. In his mind's eye he could easily picture Sarah and Gillian tearing him apart like Scooter with a juicy bone. He cleared his throat. "She is well established in Fort Worth. She has a comfortable home, good friends, and a successful business. It took all my powers of persuasion to get her to visit Britain. She'd never agree to live here, and I cannot live there."
    "Because of us. Your sisters."
    "Aye. I went too many years without you. I'll not give up any more. Yet, in five years you'll likely all be married and moved away. I don't want to live alone, Gilly. I want a wife. Children. A handful of boys to add some balance to the family."
    "Lady Steele bred boys," his sister said with a sneer.
    "Aye." Nick shrugged. "Can you blame me? I'm up to my ears in petticoats and lace. It would be good to hear a belch or two at the dinner table or find a frog in my bed from time to time."
    "Robyn can do that. Ye need not marry the dog kicker."
    "Oh, stop sulking." Nick drained his glass, then stood. "It could be worse. I could fall for Charlotte's widowed guid-mither and you'd have to listen to her singing for life."
    Horror creased her brow. "Dinna even tease about such a heinous thing, Nicholas."
    Grinning, he offered her his arm. "Shall we adjourn to the drawing room and Lady Pratt's recital?"
    "One must do one's duty, I suppose," Gillian said with a heavy sigh. "Lead on, brother mine. Perhaps well be in luck and she will have cut the program short."
    To Nick's dismay, Lady Pratt not only sang the entire program, she also launched into an unrequested encore. By the time she had cracked the last note, Nick found himself looking at his sister Charlotte in a new light. She was more than a bride-to-be. Damned if her willingness to marry into that family of her own free will didn't make his sister a saint.
    His sisters and Jake Delaney broke into generous applause. Nick suspected their enthusiasm had more to do with the fact that the so-called entertainment was concluded than with their appreciation of the performance. Playing his part, he joined the accolade and rose to his feet to offer a standing ovation.
    It was then that he felt a prickle at the back of his neck, the same

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