
Free Grizzly by Bonnie Bliss

Book: Grizzly by Bonnie Bliss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Bliss
warmth ran through his body as her eyes opened wide. What did she want? More to the point, what did he want?
    Tiny pin pricks grew into spikes as he watched her nipples grind against her dress and stiffen. His lips grew dry.
    Between his large thighs, an equally large erection made itself known. It burned and ached in the restraint of his pants.
    Sorscha must have sensed it. She scooted back on the bed, her feet scuttling in the sheets. He watched, intrigued, as she seemed to catch in the cloth, making no progress up the huge bed.
    Instinctively and without thought he grabbed her right ankle. For such a sweet woman, her strength surprised him, so he tugged harder. Arousal grew in him from the touch of her skin against his; it was all too much. As he pulled her closer her dress rode up her thighs, sliding up to her hips, exposing her silky skin. She tried to move away, but he just pulled her more. Her sweet cunt teased him, her legs opening and closing. The sight of her pretty trimmed minge produced a roar from deep in his belly, and the sound made the room quake.
    Tethur pulled her off the bed. Grabbing her tightly, he twisted her so that her back was against his broad, stout chest.
    “You are mine, Sorscha. Don’t fight it. You want it, you want me,” he whispered in her soft earlobe. He was rough with her, not hurting her but using enough force to let her know she wasn’t escaping. Stepping up on the bed he crawled to the large ornate headboard with its carved scene of a huge bear hunting elk. Turning, he sat and held her in his lap. She squirmed in his grip. Tethur just held her, sniffing her hair, taking in her scent. Her kicks at his thighs made no difference to him, like pin pricks.
    Holding her with one hand, he used his free hand to grip her hair, pulling her head back to his lips.
    “You belong to me now, little one. I own your body. It is mine to do with as I please. Your sweet, wet cunt-and yes, it is wet, ‘cause I can smell it weeping at the thought of me touching you─is mine. I will lick it, taste it, finger it and fuck it. You will coat my fingers with your slick, tasty juices. I will lap it up like a refreshing drink and then slide my big fat dick inside it and fuck you hard until you are sore. I can taste it from here, Sorscha. When I say cunt, it seeps at the sound of my voice speaking that harsh, dirty word. You want me. You’ve always wanted me.”
    At that, those naughty words in her ear, the squirming stopped. He could smell her. The taste, the scent lingered in the air, overpowering the scent of pure innocence. Her heart beat faster, the pounding hard against his chest. Each beat echoed through every muscle he had and his blood pumped faster, finding its way straight to his cock. It hardened and pressed into her buttocks.
    The big right hand of the bear slipped to her belly, tugging the hem up her waist. Using his legs, he spread her calves wide, tucking his feet so she couldn’t move. Her warm soft belly made him tremble as his calloused fingers pressed into her flesh.
    Sorscha moved, trying hard to close her legs, but to no avail. Tethur nibbled her ear, whispering again.
    “Stop squirming. I’m going to make you so fucking wet you’ll scream for me to make it shiny and slick so I can put my hard dick in you. Don’t fight it. Take it, enjoy it. My body was made to please you and yours for me.”
    He cupped her between the legs. She whimpered at the suddenness of it, squirming not to escape but to press closer.
    Tethur massaged her cunt with his fingers, teasing her labia, parting them, sliding up the slick pink slit. Her head shoved back into his shoulder.
    “Good girl. Take my fingers inside, cherish them in your sopping quim.” Tethur slipped a single finger inside her slit, pushing it deep slowly and deliberately, to savor the feel of her. She was so damn tight; her muscles gripped him as he slid deeper, and then back, easing her open. “You smell like honey coated in

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