Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Free Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Dakota Dawn

Book: Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Dakota Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Dawn
Tags: Romance
Flower from Rico’s. They called her “violet eyes.” No wonder the electricity between all of them was so hot. It had been building for seven years. He and Gaven had been watching her for a long time, and obviously she had been watching them as well. Lunn couldn’t hold back the smile that curled his lips.
    He looked up the stairs. This was something he’d be keeping from Gaven for a little bit. The last thing he needed was Gaven freaking out. The poor guy didn’t trust a woman to love him enough to stay with him forever.
    If he was correct, they were both falling in love with a woman who had already fallen in love with them. An eternity with her and Gaven sounded good to him. Mind racing, he started plotting ways to test her and get them all together.
    * * * *
    Katarina stretched and then made herself go get her clothes out of the dryer. At least the washer and dryer were on the second floor with them. This house was designed to be lived in. She could appreciate that. Turning away from the rerun she’d been watching on TV, she grabbed her basket and retrieved her clothes.
    Back in her room she dumped her clothes and started folding them. As she folded a pair of her favorite shorts, she remembered the way her guys’ eyes always followed her when she wore them. Her guys. She wished it were true. Living with them for the last two weeks was a combination of misery and bliss. A shiver raced up her spine as she thought about how Lunn had been watching her so closely lately.
    A bloom of heat hit her core as she remembered the look of lust in his dark-blue eyes. He didn’t even try to hide it. She wished she could be that brave and bold. She had tried to take Rain and Branda’s advice, but she just wasn’t strong enough to do it. The most she’d done was wear shorter shorts and take her birth control pills in front of them. Sadly, flirting was something she didn’t seem to have a knack for. If she did, now would have been the time to use it. She was living with two hot men that she loved, and she just couldn’t come on to them. Oh, how she longed to be different.
    Her cat jumped on the bed and knocked over her stack of folded clothes. “Look what you’ve done, Boris.” She eyed the cat and huffed out a frustrated breath when he gave her an I don’t think so look. Every time she came up with a name for him, he looked at her like that. It was creepy and cool at the same time. It was like he was waiting for her to guess his real name. As she straightened the stack of clothes, an idea popped into her head.
    After picking the cat up, she closed her eyes and squinched her face. “Reveal to me this cat’s name.” A slight tingle raced up her spine and circled her head. The name “ Volker” appeared clearly in her mind.
    “Volker.” She said the name out loud as she turned the cat so she could see its face.
    “Congratulations. You finally figured it out,” Volker said with a touch of sarcasm.
    She squealed and jumped back, dropping the cat at the same time. “Did I make you do that?”
    He rolled his eyes dramatically and twitched his whiskers. “It took you long enough. I’ve been waiting for you say my name for weeks. When you said my name out loud, it cleared your mind and allowed you to understand me. Concetta sent me to help you become the witch she knows you can be.”
    “Who is Concetta?”
    “A good witch. She blessed the Cortino family because of a kind deed done by Ettore Cortino. Gaven is close to the Cortino family and has the same pure heart they have. Your connection to Gaven and your kind soul have drawn her attention to you.”
    “A good witch. Can I meet her sometime? Can you change shapes? Are you a witch?” Now that her shock was over, she wanted to know everything.
    “I’m not a witch. I’m just what my name means, guardian of people.”
    “As a cat?” she blurted doubtfully. What could a cat do?
    “Not hardly. I’m an immortal warrior.” At her raised brow, he added,

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