Zombie High Chronicles (Book 1)

Free Zombie High Chronicles (Book 1) by Amy Miles

Book: Zombie High Chronicles (Book 1) by Amy Miles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Miles
Tags: Zombies
follow Flynn and Vaughn, knowing that whatever she is up to, she has things under control. But as I cross through a back yard and head towards my group home, I vow that if I ever saw that old prick again I will make sure he thinks twice about feeling up my mom again.

    An unlikely partnership.
    The next morning I arrive early at the testing center and go around to the side entrance where I try to appear casual as I hang back when workers began to slowly drift in from different areas of the Zone. From the corner of my eye, I spy a couple of doctors conversing in hushed tones and animated hand motions as they hurry into the building, using their key cards to gain access to the restricted area. Other nurses follow suit, barely jamming their arms into their lab coats before they reach the door at a near dead run.
    I can’t hear any sirens or alarm to alert them to an emergency but each of the staff seems to be in a hyper state of excitement. That can’t be good. I turn when I hear the shuttle bus pull back onto the street and head north.
    My mom wasn’t with this group. Has she been moved to another facility and I didn’t realize? Maybe her secret rendezvous last night has promoted her to a new position.
    “This is starting to become a habit of yours.”
    I turn to place the feminine voice that calls from just over my shoulder and come eye to eye with Teegan. Her stomach looks enormous up close, pulling her tank top taut enough for me to see her belly button pushing out the wrong direction. I don’t know how she can walk without toppling right over.
    “Are you watching me?”
    She shrugs and wipes at her forehead where sweat beads along her hairline despite the cool morning air. I’ve heard before that pregnant girls’ hormones tend to be all whacked out. I’ve also heard to stay clear in case they need a punching toy to work through some of their emotional spikes. That’s a job I will not be signing up for.
    “It’s only fair after you gaped at me on the bus yesterday, don’t you think?”
    I smirk at her gumption and lean back against the wall, propping one boot against the brick as I cross my arms over my chest. “Yeah, I was staring. So what?”
    “So it’s rude.”  She moves to walk past me but I hold out a hand to stop her.
    “Perhaps, but it’s also useful. I happened to know that your arms sure look a lot prettier than mine.” I roll up my sleeve to show her my bruising and to her credit she does wince.  “They are treating you pretty good, aren’t they?”
    This time, she lowers her gaze and shifts her weight away from me. Bingo!
    “Your name is Teegan, right?” She nods and unconsciously rubs circles over the top of her stomach. “I’m Roan. It’s nice to meet you.”
    With a sigh that is deep enough to actually shift her entire belly in one movement, she rolls her eyes and shoots me down with a single look. “Let’s drop the whole fake friend thing, ok?  I don’t have time for this and we both know you aren’t that type of guy.”
    And that’s the moment that I realize that I actually like her.
    “Fair enough.” I drop my smile and push back upright until we are nearly bumping bellies. “I know they’re treating you differently than the rest of us and I think we both know why.”
    She remains silent but attentive so I continue on. “They want your baby and I can’t let that happen.”
    Teegan’s burst of laughter grates on my nerves, making me second guess my glowing opinion of her.
    “I’m sorry if that seems brash,” she fans herself, “but what exactly do you plan to do to stop them? They have guns, manpower and doctors who actually know something about labor. And you? You’re just some mentally damaged punk with conspiracy theories and zero proof to back them up.”
    I close my eyes and force myself to take a deep breath. I might have deserved that low blow but she only gets one on account of being as bloated as a freakin’ whale.
    “We both know you don't

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