Blood Cruise: A Deep Sea Thriller
twenty million dollars,” Maggie said. “Twenty million! There is no way you are passing that up.”
    “You know nothing about this world, Mags,” Ben said sharply. “Do not even assume you do. Assumptions are very dangerous.”
    Maggie looked at Ben for a second then cocked a hip and smiled.
    “Not a fan of the condescending tone, but this badass attitude is pretty sexy,” Maggie said as she took Ben’s hand. “Let’s go get you dressed so you can wow your new fans and we can get rich.”
    “Thanks, Maggie,” Nick said. “And thank you, Ben.”
    “Screw me on this and drug lords will be the least of your worries,” Ben said. “I still know how to use a knife.”
    “I know, I know,” Nick said.
    “You know how to use a knife?” Maggie asked. “Who is this man of mystery next to me?”
    The two left and Nick looked over at Manny.
    “You ready?” Nick asked.
    “Everything is set, Sheeran,” Manny said. “We’ll make a great impression. Don’t you worry.”
    “Mr. Sheeran?” Captain Staggs called over the intercom.
    “I’m on my way!” Nick shouted. “I’m on my way!”

    Claxons rang out and Wagner slammed his fist against his desk. He pressed his finger to his ear and switched on his com. He instantly heard the voices of panicked men. Then gunfire and screaming.
    “That son of a bitch,” Wagner snarled as he jumped up from his desk and ran to the door of his quarters.
    He threw open the door and was immediately greeted by six men, one of them holding out an HK MP7A1 submachine gun. Wagner looked at the weapon and frowned.
    “That bad?” he asked the man that handed him the gun.
    “Yes, sir,” the man replied. The man pressed his finger to his own ear. “The creature is still contained in the vault, but it sounds like we have multiple casualties. The doctor may be one of them.”
    “I can hear the reports,” Wagner snapped. He pointed at two of the men. “You make sure the bridge and engine rooms are locked down. This ship does not stop for any reason.” He pointed at two more. “You also make sure every single hatch is sealed. This thing does not get above decks, understood? If that means we are trapped down here with it then that means we are trapped down here with it.”
    “Sir, lockdown is automated,” one of the men said. “You can activate it with your—”
    “Did I say for you to argue with me?” Wagner roared at the man. “I know I can activate it! I already have! I want the two of you to verify that all hatches are sealed! With your own two eyes! Do you think I’ve made it this far in this business because I have put my trust in automated systems? GO!”
    The two men took off one way while the other two took off another way. Wagner stared hard at the last two men standing before him.
    “You two are with me,” he said. “Watch our six. Watch the side passages. Watch the vents. Watch everything. If the creature gets loose on this ship it’s not going to attack head on, but from our blindsides. I do not want to have a blindside, so eyes open!”
    “Yes, sir!” the men replied.
    “On me,” Wagner ordered as he started running down the passageway to the stairs that led deeper into the ship.

    Two things caught Nick’s attention as he stepped out onto the what was normally a sun deck, but had been converted to a helipad by the previous owner: the clouds in the night sky hung heavy and black, and many of the people that stepped off the huge Eurocopter EC 175 had not been invited and were for sure armed.
    “Welcome!” Nick called out as the rotors on the chopper powered down. “Thank you all for coming! I know most of you, but for those that I don’t, I’m Nick Sheeran and this is my humble home!”
    “Your home?” a tall, skinny woman asked. “You live here? How cute.”
    Her voice had a heavy Russian accent that explained the thick blonde hair that framed her sharp angled face. Gorgeous in an off putting way, the woman carried

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