A Wolf's Heart (Harlequin Nocturne)

Free A Wolf's Heart (Harlequin Nocturne) by Vivi Anna

Book: A Wolf's Heart (Harlequin Nocturne) by Vivi Anna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivi Anna
Francois added.
Gabriel shook his head. “No, I’m pretty sure it’s not him. But to be on the safe side, we need to have a long talk with him. And with Lily, Elise’s assistant. There’s something going on there with her, I’m sure of it. She’s keeping something secret. It might have nothing to do with what is going on with Elise, but we need to be sure.”
Maria flipped open her cell phone. “I’ll make the call.”
While she barked orders into her phone, Gabriel looked at Sophie. “Any leads on the sabotage?”
She glanced at Kellen. “I checked at the way it was rigged and there’s nothing there of too much interest. The wires had been frayed. The perp could’ve used just about any instrument for that. No marks to indicate any specific tool that we could track. It did look like a rush job, though, so that might be something. Maybe he or she was interrupted. Or they only had a small window of opportunity.”
Gabriel nodded. “That’s good info, actually. Check with the front gate guard and get a list of everyone who was in and out the night before or the very early morning.”
Sophie jotted down notes in her notebook, a habit she’d picked up from Gabriel. “Will do.”
“Anything from the charity event? Any leads there?”
She shook her head. “We have no witnesses. The vehicle was scratched with either a knife or a sharp piece of metal. Not much to follow there.”
“Any word on the driver?”
“No. He’s still missing,” Sophie said.
“Let’s get a warrant to check his place. I don’t think he’s involved, but we need to make sure.”
She wrote that down. “Okay, boss.”
Maria ended her call and flipped her phone closed. “The director is on his way here to make a statement. I couldn’t get a hold of the assistant.”
Gabriel sighed. “I can talk to her when I go to Elise’s to pick her up.”
Kellen chuckled. “So, where are you two going? Romantic hideaway?”
Gabriel gave the vampire a hard stare. “Do you like your job here, Falcon?”
Kellen shrugged playfully. “It’s okay, I guess. A raise would rock, though, if you’re offering.”
“I’m not. And you’re lucky you have a job. If Sophie wasn’t so enamored with you, I would’ve shipped you back to Necropolis.”
Kellen jumped to his feet, Sophie along with him. “Oh, I know you like me, Gabe, so don’t play coy.”
Gabriel shook his head, but appreciated the vampire’s humor. Despite his theatrics and the loud hardcore music he played in his lab, he liked Kellen. He’d been a good addition to his team.
“I’ll keep you apprised of our status, Gabriel,” Maria said. She offered him her hand. He took it and shook it, appreciating her thoughtfulness. “Have a safe trip.”
“Thanks, Maria.”
She left. Francois followed her out without many words. The young witch had lost some of his vigor when Olena had married the Interpol agent who had worked on a case with them last year. Francois had been in love with her for a long time. That left Sophie and Kellen to aggravate him.
“I’ll call you if anything happens,” Sophie said.
“Call me even if nothing happens. I hate being out of contact.”
“You just don’t want to be alone with Ms. Leroy,” Kellen needled him.
Gabriel stood and was about to come around the desk when Sophie pushed on Kellen’s chest to take him out of the room. “We’re going, Gabe. Stay safe.”
“Yeah, remember to use a condom,” Kellen said just as he was dragged out of the door.
Gabriel was angry, but not at Kellen. He enjoyed the vampire’s good-natured ribbing. He didn’t often get that, as he didn’t have many male friends. Certainly not anyone he would confide in, or confess that he still had feelings for Elise and wasn’t sure if he was strong enough to be around her for a few days without acting on those emotions. There was no one from his pack that he felt close to. One of his closer lycan pack members had died last year in the bombing of a nightclub. Coincidentally,

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