A Practical Arrangement

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Book: A Practical Arrangement by Nadja Notariani Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nadja Notariani
    “ How do you plan to accomplish that?” Jonathan frowned. “Will you compromise her?”
    “ She'll never allow herself to be compromised, Jonathan,” Thomas chuckled. “But I shall manage to instigate a scenario that will leave that certainty in doubt.”
    Jonathan slapped his friend's back. “You sly devil!” he smiled. “I only hope you don't regret this decision. Miss Grey is a capable woman, intelligent of mind, but she does not strike me as one suited to making a man happy, if you catch my meaning.”
    “ Is that so?” Thomas said cryptically, a peculiar smile on his lips. Changing the subject, he turned conversation to Mrs. Brentwood, a topic Jonathan readily engaged.
    “ I am in love with her,” Jonathan declared passionately.
    “ Be careful,” Thomas warned. “I have it on good advice that the woman is of a sensitive nature. Albert Grey is a close friend of mine, and of my uncle and aunt. Make sure of your intentions before risking my family's relationship.”
    Jonathan smiled, his blue eyes honest and open with admiration of the lady which they discussed. “Her heart is open and sweet. She'd make me a fine wife.”
    Thomas shook his head, a wide grin plastered across his face. “You are lost to her, Jonathan. Just remember to retain some backbone. I'd hate to see you tethered to a woman of Mrs. Grey's disposition.”
    “ God forbid such a trial as that woman!” Jonathan laughed. “May He spare us both a sentence of that severity.”
    The two men planned their afternoon, the subject of women exhausted for the time being.

Chapter Five

    “ Dearheart, you look lovely,” Opal cooed as Melody approached the table. “Isn't she a sight, Mr. Lane?”
    “ Without question, Mrs. Grey,” Jonathan readily agreed.
    “ Pink is your color. Haven't I told you so? And Mr. Lane makes it official!”
    Mrs. Grey sought further compliments for Melody as Thomas watched on. Irritation grew by the minute. Albert ate silently at the table's head to Thomas' right, ignoring his wife's chatter. After another volley of Mrs. Brentwood’s admirable qualities had been detailed thoroughly, he could hold back no longer.
    “ Your daughter, Miss Grey, is quite knowledgeable about your barley farming and storage techniques, Mrs. Grey. Her explanations were detailed, and I've gained a few ideas I'll implement at Cherry Hill.”
    “ Wonderful,” Albert answered, a pleased expression on his long, lean face. “She's a capable farmer, I dare say!” His eyes twinkled with mischief-making at the comment.
    “ A farmer,” Opal scowled, pursing her lips. “Milling about with you and Mr. Bankirk! She learned to be too frank in her speech, too frank! You coddled her, allowing her to tag along with you learning of barley, Mr. Grey!”
    “ And you see,” Albert laughed, “she's done a service for Mr. Masterson because of it!”
    “ Mr. Masterson was only being polite, Mr. Grey. Your daughter would do better to learn from her sister,” Opal sniffed.
    Evangeline sat, unmoving, straight and stiff, eyes directly in front of her. In that moment, Thomas comprehended it was her only defense against the humiliating reprimand – and he had caused it. Anger flared deep inside him. An incident from his last visit came to mind, Opal Grey fussing over Melody after their walk. He hadn't been able to place what bothered him then. It was now plain. Evangeline Grey may be the elder daughter, but her mother treated her like a second son. Thomas identified with her on a new level. She lived his former existence.
    “ That is hardly correct, Mrs. Grey,” Thomas leapt to her defense. “I do consider myself polite, but I draw the line at insincerity. I quite meant the compliment I made Miss Grey.”
    “ Why, Mr. Masterson,” Opal replied. “Of course you would never be insincere. But you are too kind.”
    The woman would not allow the compliment to stand unscathed.
    “ Melody, you must play for our guests after the meal is ended,”

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