A Practical Arrangement

Free A Practical Arrangement by Nadja Notariani

Book: A Practical Arrangement by Nadja Notariani Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nadja Notariani
unknowingly fortified his resolve to gain her as his wife. Didn't she intrigue him with her quick wit and sharp intelligence? Evangeline Grey was perfect for him. She'd not expect, nor offer, silly declarations of love, nor would she be a foolish woman, gossiping around and spending to excess. A practical woman.
    “ Is that so, Miss Grey?”
    “ Oh, yes,” Evangeline blushed at recommending her father so forcefully.
    “ I shall remind you of your words one day soon,” he smiled.
    Again, that secret, knowing smile left her wondering.
    “ You mustn't hold it against me when I do. Agreed, Miss Grey?”
    He took her arm and placed it firmly on his own; an oddly possessive gesture. All hesitance and thoughtfulness fled him after speaking those words, leaving Evangeline wary in their stead.
    “ Agreed,” she whispered softly, unsure at why she did so.
    “ A bargain, then, it is.”
    “ I'm sure I've no idea what you're talking about, Mr. Masterson.” Evangeline regretted acquiescing to his silly bargain.
    Of all the nonsense!
    And herself, playing along like some ninny headed fool. She'd known better than be too friendly with Thomas Masterson. Defenses doubled. Evangeline showed him about the new storage building with efficient explanations.
    “ You know quite a lot about grain storage for a young woman,” Thomas complimented.
    “ My sister could near run Grey Manor with her knowledge, Mr. Masterson,” Melody elaborated. “She's always excelled at learning.”
    Evangeline scowled. “That covers it. We'd best head back to the house.”
    Thomas took her arm and gestured toward the path. “Have you taken a chill?” Concern knit his expression.
    Sidelong, she studied him. Oh! He was a conundrum himself. It must be whatever grave matter he'd discussed with her father causing him to act so contrary.
    “ Nothing a warm fire won't dispel,” she assured.
    The return walk progressed quickly, all eager to seek the warmth of indoors. Thomas remained subdued, his hand never leaving its spot atop her arm, which rested on his.
    Evangeline picked up her pace.
    * * *

    Jonathan blew out his breath in a whistle. “Evangeline Grey?” Disbelief sounded in the utterance. “You wish to wed Evangeline Grey?”
    “ That is, I believe, what I just said,” Thomas chuckled.
    “ But,” his friend protested, a sour expression on his face, “you could have any woman you wanted, Thomas.”
    “ Exactly,” Thomas concurred. “The one I'll have is Miss Grey.”
    “ I had no idea you held an interest in her. When did this happen?”
    Thomas relayed the circumstance of his need to wed and his subsequent conversation with Albert Grey. Explaining her father's decree that she must marry as well, Thomas detailed the practical solution he envisioned to fulfill his debt and finally assume his responsibilities as Masterson heir. He also included his growing preoccupation with Evangeline Grey. “The question remains, unfortunately, whether I can convince her to accept me. I dare say she may refuse me and take her chances with her father's choice.”
    “ You're mad to believe that, Thomas,” Jonathan quipped. “Women clamber over one another simply to gain a few moments of your attention. Your income alone entices them, never mind your rumored abilities in the bed-chamber; I say, you could be ugly as an ogre, and still they would gladly wed you.”
    “ Yet Miss Grey avoids me at every opportunity. My money – and my reputation – seem to dissuade rather than entice her. It is, perhaps, the reason I find myself drawn to her. Frankly, I believe she will refuse my offer.” He considered his own statement, an idea dawning. “But I may not give her the chance.”
    “ What are you considering? Will you work out a deal with her father?” Jonathan asked.
    “ That would still give her opportunity to resist. No,” he stated, mind conjecturing methodically, “I'll orchestrate a situation which will leave her no choice but to accept

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