Red Light Specialists

Free Red Light Specialists by Michelle M. Pillow, Mandy M. Roth

Book: Red Light Specialists by Michelle M. Pillow, Mandy M. Roth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle M. Pillow, Mandy M. Roth
splashing behind her, she tensed. She turned to see the three servants walking toward her, naked. The guard merely watched from the side.
    “I can do it,” Bianca said.
    The servants merely smiled.
    She turned to the watching guard, easily seeing his hard cock. He stared at her breasts.
    “Do you mind? All of you, out. I’d like some privacy.” Bianca tried to draw away from them, crossing to the opposite side of the bath. She put her hands on her hips, not at all embarrassed by her nudity. How could she be? She’d been walking around the palace in nothing but gauze anyway.
    “The servants must make sure you are properly cleaned,” the watching guard answered, “and I must make sure the servants remain at a proper distance. They are not to give you release.”
    Bianca balked, standing near the edge of the bathing pool as the servants finally reached her. The men cleaned her, rubbing their hands over her flesh, stroking her with their fingers as they soaped up her skin. She tried not to enjoy it, tried really hard, but the more they pressed, the more she was reminded of how long she’d been without sex.
    Suddenly, she cursed Ahmet for leaving her like he did. She’d pleased him, sucking him dry, and he couldn’t even return the favor! All she got was a bunch of servants who were forbidden from letting her find release. The one time she started to reach for her own clit, they restrained her hands.
    They ran their hands over her sensitive breasts, tweaking and pinching her nipples. She moaned in pleasure. Each time they neared her clit, she tried to rub against them, but they refused to stroke her. By the time they’d finished, they all had stiff erections. Her mind said they would do— any cock would do so long as it filled her and rode her good. But, just thinking of it, her pussy didn’t seem to ache so much.
    No, her body wanted Ahmet. It was his giant cock she wanted to pry her open, his body she wanted pounding into her. It was his seed she wanted spilled, his hands on her breasts, his mouth kissing her. Sexual energy charged the air. She was a bundle of nerves.
    “He will be pleased,” the guard said.
    “Yes, very pleased,” a servant agreed. They backed away from her, all of them staring at her naked, flushed skin.
    Bianca looked at them, confused.
    “Her energy is great,” the guard continued.
    Bianca snorted. She didn’t know about energy, but if she didn’t find release soon, she’d go mad. And the first ass she was going to kick in her newfound insanity was Prince Ahmet’s.
    * * *
    Bianca was pissed when the three servants left her unfulfilled. They stoked the damned fire, the least they could do was put out the flames. Instead, they handed her a towel, brushed her hair, rubbed her with oil and dressed her, sending her on her merry way. She ached with sexual frustration and it took all her energy to keep upright as she walked between the guards. They led her to a bedchamber, pushing her inside before shutting the door.
    “Did you enjoy yourself?”
    Bianca turned to the large bed in the middle of the room. She didn’t answer. Prince Ahmet lay on the mattress, watching her through seductively narrowed eyes. He was naked and apparently completely comfortable with the fact. Though, with his tightly muscled body and thick cock, there was definitely no reason for him to be ashamed. His legs were crossed leisurely at the ankles, his erection thick and ready for her, standing tall between his thighs.
    The prince sat up, looking concerned. “You did not enjoy my gift, gengli ?”
    “Gift?” Bianca frowned. Was this guy crazy? “What gift?”
    “The bathers,” the prince said, frowning. “Did they not bathe you? Touch you?”
    “Oh, I see.” Bianca stepped toward the bed. She placed her hands on her hips. The thick material of the towel was soft against her skin and it didn’t help her sexual frustration that she was naked beneath it. Scowling, she glared at the prince. “So you think

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