Claimed: Unchartered Territory

Free Claimed: Unchartered Territory by Nia K. Foxx

Book: Claimed: Unchartered Territory by Nia K. Foxx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nia K. Foxx
we’re done here you can put me down since it’s obvious I won’t get to see your leader tonight,” she added defiantly.
    “ You are making demands now,” he sounded genuinely surprised. “Obviously your species has an odd way of illustrating fear.”
    “I’m sorry, what were you expecting exactly? Should I be cowering in terror?” Actually she was only a few seconds from doing just that if he didn’t let her go back to her room and nurse the idiocy of her misadventure in private. He was truly the most frightening man she’d ever met in her life. Nothing at all like the dream version of him who seemed…well like him but only… far less intimidating and very sexy.
    “Chezarians would think it unwise to provoke my ire with such a comment.”
    “Well I think it’s obvious I’m not a Chezarian.”
    “Hmm, now you have me curious. I wonder if all your responses are so different from ours.”  
    Dallas didn’t have time to question what he meant, because in the next instance he did the one thing she hadn’t expected him to.
    It was just one more day and the challenge would be finished, but Remar couldn’t seem to hold out for that long. Instead he chose a path he knew would be difficult to come back from, if at all.
    But the temptation was too great and the sweet look of her lips begged to be tasted. She made a sound of surprise when he covered her mouth with his own. She tensed briefly before relaxing into him. Her easy acquiescence triggered a primal response in him.
    His vision had to be right.
    She was his.
    He sought the sweet nectar he knew was waiting for him. She made no move to turn away from his kiss as his tongue breached her lips. Each stroke only succeeded in making him want more. Dare more. The experimental kiss turned to a ravenous demand.
    More .
    His body begged with an ache from a long denied need of her.
    She was his for the taking, by every right.
    Remar hooked his arm around one of her legs and shoved the thin material of her skirt up and off to one side, giving him access to her bare flesh underneath.
    Supple and smooth, like lilian silk , the thought drifted through his mind. The delicate feel of her skin sent pleasure spiking through him.
    He could easily lose himself in her.
    His manroot stiffened from their sensual tongue play.
    She groaned into his mouth when he rubbed the length of his erection up and down her warm heat. He felt her open to him even more, submitting to his fiery exploration.
    It was all the encouragement he needed.
    “We need privacy,” he managed quickly yet hating the time it took away from their kiss. No sooner were the words out his mouth was back on hers again.
    Dallas’ befuddled brain heard him speak but it still surprised her to be pulled away from the wall and into his hold. Instinctively her legs wrapped around his waist. She felt and heard his arrogant growl of approval.
    This shouldn’t be happening , her inner voice reminded faintly as she felt herself being carried down the hall. Unable… or maybe just unwilling to offer up an objection she succumbed to his kiss as if it were perfectly natural to do so. It might seem crazy but a part of her, the part that was taking over her will and rational reasoning, wanted to see how things would play out.
    He was so deliciously addicting stroking in her mouth. Never having been turned on so much by a kiss she hazily wondered if she were having some sort of chemical reaction to him. She trembled, but not from fear. Desire arced through her. The heated arousal was making her wet. Everything about this alien male screamed brutal dominance, from his gruff voice to his slightly roughened tongue coaxing all types of decadent responses from her.
    It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but the feel of him.
    He set her on the surface of something marginally soft and cushiony, but she cared little about that and more about the fact that he was pulling away.
    Dallas fought the urge to hold him in

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