Road to Clover (The Breanna Raven Series)

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Book: Road to Clover (The Breanna Raven Series) by Katarin Haley Pope Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katarin Haley Pope
DNA or my eyes un-invasively.”
    “That sounds ridiculous, Agni.”
    “I’m telling you, Breanna, I believe that’s exactly what it is. The technology exists. I’ve seen other instruments online that can do it. It’s like an x-ray machine that scans your bones, but the only difference is that thing reads DNA or eyeballs.”
    I laugh at his assumptions. It sounds real silly to me. I ask, “Why are they putting those things in Allium Center?”
    “I bet they’re mounting them all over the place, not just here. That’s going to be their way of tracking people. No one will be able to move around without the Enlightened knowing about it.”
    I guess w hat he’s saying makes sense, and honestly, I’m not sure how to react to it. But what I don’t get is what would be the purpose of keeping track of everyone?
    Agni states, “I bet they’re not going to bomb the island. Since they’re going to all that trouble of putting those scanners up.”
    “Well, that’s good news I suppose. At least, we’ll have a home to come back to if everything works out.”
    We hear the sounds of boots running behind us. There are more soldiers running further down Sun Drop Highway, and they are in groups of twos and carrying the same equipment. Two of them run up the sidewalk towards us, but they stop in between two stores. One brings out a power drill, and he starts drilling holes in the brick masonry between the instrument store and the shoe store. They are mounting a cylinder to the wall. Now, I’m convinced that Agni is right. The Enlightened plans on watching whoever is left over on this island.
    Now my interest is peaked , too. What is this organization about? I guess in an hour, I’m going to find out.

    It’s not very long before people start coming into town. There are a few arriving on bicycles, but most are driving, which is the only cleared road we’ve seen so far. People are parking everywhere and anywhere there is a free space around the small town. Most of the helicopters have taken off, but three remained. They were flown to the fairgrounds to clear the highway.
    I think it’s actually really good to see people again. This little town isn’t meant to be empty and silent. There’s supposed to be creativity and shopping, and people simply having a great time. I wonder if we’ll ever go back to those times.
    A loud squelch startles me. It’s a bullhorn. Someone is making an announcement from the steps of the Allium Cultural Hall, but I can’t really understand what’s being said. We’re too far away, but Agni and I start going towards the noise. It looks like the meeting is going to be outside from what I can tell, and that’s good for us. We won’t be separated.
    When we get close enough, I see there are four long bright yellow banners hanging from the top of the overhang between the pillars. The word ‘ENLIGHTENED’ is centered and written vertically all the way down the length of the banners. There is a shorter banner in front of the podium at the top of the steps. I can’t see whoever is speaking into the bullhorn, but I can hear what he’s saying loud and clear.
    “Everyone, gather around. The meeting will start shortly.”
    We try to remain near the back because of the dogs. King is sitting beside Agni, and I have Miss Kiki in my arms. We’re watching people as they meander in. Some look scared. Others appear to be angry. There are low murmurings, but most of all there is a cloud of distress hanging over the crowd. My heart is just racing. I wish they’d get on with this meeting so it can be over with quickly.
    After a few minutes, seven people start ascending the steps, and they have pistols holstered to their patent leather belts. They’re lined up one behind the other, and they are wearing black uniforms. They look sharp with their patent leather knee high boots. The clicking sound as their boots hit the marble speaks of a practiced cadence. Once at the top of the platform, they turn

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