The Rancher's Prospect

Free The Rancher's Prospect by Callie Endicott

Book: The Rancher's Prospect by Callie Endicott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Callie Endicott
gotten close to him. Walt was like the land itself—unyielding, sometimes unforgiving, and oblivious to the changing times.
    Inside they found Tara lifting an old hand water pump from a drawer; she glanced up as she dropped it onto the desk. She’d removed her suit jacket and there were smudges of dirt across the breast line of her blouse. Josh swallowed. Tara was bad news from start to finish, and he had no intention of allowing his attraction to her to go anywhere.
    â€œIs something up?” she asked, her face becoming expressionless.
    It struck Josh that her reactions generally seemed measured. Even when arguing with him, he’d had the impression her emotions were carefully controlled. He didn’t trust that kind of restraint. As a rule the McGregors and Nelsons were passionate people; it might mean extra conflicts along the way, but at least you knew where you stood.
    â€œMy grandfather wants to expand your work parameters,” he said before Walt could explain.
    Walt deserved his dignity, but so did he. He certainly didn’t deserve to be treated as if he was thirteen instead of thirty-three.
    â€œI’ve been thinking about my grandson’s la-di-da modern ideas.” Walt huffed. “So I’ve decided you should take care of that computer stuff. Do it whatever way you think it should be done. You’re the expert.” His tone plainly indicated he didn’t think Josh possessed expertise of any kind.
    â€œOf course,” Tara replied. “Do you also want me to set up a system where bills can be paid online and checks can be printed?”
    â€œOnline?” Walt asked.
    â€œThrough the internet.”
    How anyone could be unfamiliar with the concept, Josh didn’t know, but he suspected Tara was speaking a foreign language as far as his grandfather was concerned. Josh would have lunged forward with an emphatic yes, but something in her eyes kept him quiet. She’d aligned herself with Walt and would find a way to do things his way, even on the computer. When the time came, Josh was sure he’d have to do a lot of extra work getting things changed to the way he wanted.
    â€œIs that how other ranches do business?” Walt asked.
    â€œI can’t speak for other ranches,” Tara said, “but I’ve seen how much time the process saves.”
    â€œOkay, do it. Get whatever you need for that thing.”
    â€œWell, it’s not quite that simple...”
    Behind Walt’s back, Josh shook his head and gave her an intense glare, to which she only raised an eyebrow.
    â€œYou have to have internet service here at the office,” she explained to Walt, “along with a computer, of course.”
    â€œGet whatever you need.”
    â€œAll right.”
    He limped out, and Josh smiled blandly at Tara. “I already told you that, as the owner, I will make the arrangements for whatever is required here at the office.”
    â€œCertainly.” She returned his smile with one as carefully bland as his own.
    He’d always preferred women who were more easygoing, so why did this chilly cucumber make him so aware of her?
    â€œWhy didn’t you want me to explain the internet to Walt?” she asked.
    â€œBecause he’s an old-time cattleman and doesn’t understand.”
    â€œThat doesn’t mean he can’t understand, provided the people around him don’t treat him as a senile old man. Or as a child, for that matter. He’s obviously still sharp.”
    â€œI’m not treating him that way.”
    â€œHa.” She shrugged, and he glanced away, not wanting to watch the movement of the soft fabric of her blouse.
    â€œIncidentally,” he said, “you might find jeans and a T-shirt more practical on the Boxing N than silk.”
    â€œThank you so much for the advice,” she returned with an edge of sarcasm. It was probably deserved; he didn’t have any business

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