One Secret Night
grapes reached their full potential, was his place.
    A noise at the door made him stop what he was doing and turn to see who’d arrived.
    “And this is the winery,” Tamsyn said. “Where, according to Ethan, the magic begins, although I think Uncle Edward and Raif would have something to say about that because to them it’s all about the vines.”
    Ethan’s body went on high alert as Tamsyn and Isobel came toward him. Isobel had changed from her earlier attire and was wearing a soft floaty dress that alternately clung and flicked away around her legs. Legs he wasn’t looking at, he reminded himself while dragging his eyes up her body.
    “I’m showing Isobel around the property,” Tamsyn said with a blithe smile, completely ignoring the daggers he was mentally throwing at her. “I thought we’d start here.”
    Before Ethan could respond, Tamsyn’s cell phone began to trill and she excused herself to take the call.
    “So this is where the magic begins, huh? With you?” Isobel said softly. “Who’d have thought?”
    Ethan’s eyes meshed with hers and he couldn’t help thinking about the breathtaking magic they’d created together. Before he could answer, Tamsyn ended her call.
    “Ethan, that was bridezilla’s mom. I have to meet them at the restaurant to confirm the menus again. Looks like the apple didn’t fall far from the tree with that bunch.”
    “Now?” he asked, struggling to keep a note of somewhat panicked displeasure from his tone.
    “Sure, now. Nothing with that family is ever anything less than immediate. You can look after Isobel, right?” She turned to Isobel and gave her a quick hug. “Sorry to dump you on my brother, but if I don’t get back here in the next couple of hours, I’ll still see you for a drink before dinner, okay?”
    And then she was gone. Leaving him alone, quite deliberately he suspected, with the one woman he would have preferred on the other side of the world.
    “Look, I’ll just take care of myself,” Isobel began. “It’s obvious you’re busy.”
    Every cell in his body urged him to accept her offer but a perverse alter ego pushed him to reply in the negative. Did she think he couldn’t control himself around her, couldn’t be the flawless host and tour guide the situation required him to be? She would learn that there was little he could not do, once he set his mind to it.
    “I can spare a few minutes to show you around.”
    “Look, only if you’re sure it’s no bother.”
    “Come on,” he said, gesturing for her to follow.
    “Why do I get the impression you’ve neglected to say ‘Let’s get this over with’ at the end of that?”
    There was a barely suppressed bubble of laughter at the back of her voice and he felt his lips tug reluctantly into a wry smile in response. “I didn’t say that.” Though apparently, it was completely obvious that that was what he’d been thinking.
    She laughed out loud at his dry response. “Look, why don’t we start as if we have never met before.”
    Ethan looked at her askance. “You have to be kidding, right?”
    Even now her light scent filled his nostrils. He could still vividly remember the feel of her body against his, the taste of her skin, the sensation of joining with her in the most intimate of possible ways. No, there was no way on this earth that he was capable of pretending they’d never met before, never shared the closeness and familiarity with one another’s bodies that they’d experienced.
    “Yeah, okay, you’re right. It was worth a shot.” She looked around the area they were in, taking in the large tanks and barrels that lined the walls. “This really is where it happens, isn’t it? Can you walk me through what has to take place to get to this point and what it is that you do here?”
    “I thought you were a photographer, not a wannabe winemaker.”
    Isobel shrugged. “I like to understand my subjects before I begin to work. Makes it easier to know what is important and what

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