Emma's Heart (Brides of Theron 3)

Free Emma's Heart (Brides of Theron 3) by Rebecca Pond, Rebecca Lorino

Book: Emma's Heart (Brides of Theron 3) by Rebecca Pond, Rebecca Lorino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Pond, Rebecca Lorino
piece. He laughed as he realized he had pulled of the stunt off by himself without a problem. He was so excited that he was able to bring Emma her things, hoping he would see her smile for the first time. Maybe this would bring her peace.
    He returned to his quarters with everything he took from her apartment.  He l eft Emma sleeping hours ago, so the hexano should have worn off by now. She should be feeling a lot better than she did earlier. Walking into his quarters, he dropped his gifts onto the floor near the entrance of their quarters and went to the bedroom. He opened the door quietly in case she was still sleeping, but was surprised to find the bed empty. He walked to the open bathroom door where he heard the sound of water running. Emma was standing in the shower and letting the water fall onto her naked body. He was frozen to the spot as he watched her wash herself through the glass of the shower stall.  She was slick and wet from head to toe. He could only see the back of her body, but what he did see made his cock ache for her.
    Her long black hair hung down to her ass as she leaned her head back to let the water flow down her throat and chest. Her ass was perfectly formed and tight, and just beneath it were shapely thighs and calves. He wanted so badly to undress and join her in the shower, to feel her wet body pressed up against his. He wanted to take her from behind while massaging her breasts. He wanted to be able to let his hand drift down to her front and rub her most sensitive spot while he buried himself deep within her. He was totally lost in thought when he heard her shout.
    “Get out!”
    He shook his head and took a step away from the door of the bathroom.  He covered his eyes, to block the vision of what he saw through the glass of the shower door. She was trying to cover herself as much as possible as she squatted down as she covered her breasts with her hands. “Get out! You have no right to be in here.”
    He called out to her from the bedroom, “I am sorry, Emma. It was just that I have never seen anything as beautiful as what I saw as the water was pelting your body.  Please, forgive me.  I should not have looked. I will wait for you to get dressed and meet me in the living room.  I have a surprise for you.”
    He ran his fingers through his short cropped hair and cursed himself. What the hell had gotten into him? Here he was, ogling over her naked body, and what was this dominant feeling that would come over him in the instance when he was in her presence? He may have bought her at an auction but he did not own her heart, at least not yet. He had hoped that this day would have gone differently, because he had just gone to such great lengths to do something special for her. Did he just render everything he attempted to do by bringing her belongings up to the ship useless when he stared at her in the shower?  Did he push her farther away?  He did not like what he was turning into at all, a possessive and domineering fool.  He wasn’t like this before she came into his life.  What the fuck?
    She came out a few minutes later, fully clothed and towel drying her long black hair and shouted, “I told you before, that I want to be returned to my home!” Her skin was flushed probably with the realization that he had seen her naked body.
    He did not know what to say and blurted out, “Look, I told you that it is not possible for you to be returned to your home. But, I do have a surprise for you.” 
    “Please Emma, I have something for you.” He went to get her belongings from the entryway of the room.
    She watched his every move as his went to get something near the entrance of his rooms. She drew her eyebrows together in confusion as he came closer when she recognized the bag and case that he was carrying over to her. The denim colored bag she had for years now. It was one of the first things she had bought with her own money as a teenager. The brown rolling suitcase she had bought

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