Gift of Gold (The Year of Churning Bloods)

Free Gift of Gold (The Year of Churning Bloods) by Hudson Leone

Book: Gift of Gold (The Year of Churning Bloods) by Hudson Leone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hudson Leone

              “I imagine the food is better though,” I sighed wistfully. Preston almost laughed.
    “ Don’t talk about food right now. I feel sick just thinking about it.” An uncomfortable silence overtook us, as our weary breathing and rumbling stomachs became the only sounds present within the calm wooded enclosure around us. Eventually it was Preston who spoke.
                  “How did you get so sick in the first place? Was it really an enchantment?” he asked with wide eyed fascination.
    My thoughts grinded to a halt. Did I honestly want to tell him about what I thought I drank? What if I was wrong? What if the Grimlars used him to find out how I survived? Lying quickly, I made up a brief story about being poisoned by one of the Grimlars creations. Preston nodded, and much to my relief stopped questioning.
    We mounted the first major hill and my eyes unfocused as a vast batch of canyons materialized in front of us. With startling comprehension, I realized that the only way we could advance was if we scaled the side of the cliff on our left. A small ledge winded it’s way around the edge of the raveens, protruding out no more than a foot at maximum.
    “ We have to double back,” Preston urged.
    I shook my head. “We have no time. There’s a direct route in front of us. Even if we did have the time, we certainly wouldn’t have the energy.”
                  “I don’t like heights,” Preston whimpered as he took another step back.
    I shuddered at the fear in his voice, and cursed myself for the agony I would be causing him. Preston had said the same thing the time I made him climb the tree outside the orphanage. He ended up breaking his arm and that was on me. Could I honestly risk even more than that? Ignoring this empathy, I reluctantly kept the logic of my plan stronger than my emotions. “Preston, this is our only hope,” I insisted urgently.
    Preston said nothing, and seemed engrossed in the height we were standing at. “Preston, I will be by your side the entire time. That I can swear,” I said, extending a hand. Preston limply shook it, and gave a huge shuddering intake of breath. He looked near insane. I took the first step, experimentally prodding the little land present with the heel of my boot. Preston and I had tied our rucksacks to our fronts, so we could press all of our weight against the wall of the cliff. Slowly inching my way out. I jerked my head for Preston, who shook his head in definite disagreement. I jerked my head a little more, before pointing to the sinking sun. Preston looked from me to the return path, before finally conceding, and joining me on the edge. Speaking in a calm reassuring voice, I began to monologue a relaxing mantra, giving him assurance where I had none. Aside from an occasional whimper, Preston was very compliant and followed every step I took in unison.
    “I'm hungry Jacob, ” Preston whimpered while fervently clutching his side . “So hungry.”

              “Preston you can’t think about that,” I demanded. “It is crucial you focus on my words, and nothing else do you understand?” Preston gave no response. “Preston do you understand!?” I shouted. Preston let out with a single sob, but bobbed his head nonetheless. Seeing the expression on his face was just as much torture for me as it was for him. I wanted to break down and weep for his sake, but was held back by empty determination.
                  Only a single slip between life and death on the rock , a nd we were hungry , half dead, and
    s cared. The sudden realization winded me, causing me to loose my balance for a split second. I fell into an enhanced state of concentration, where every little itch, every little thought, was amplified ten times over. I blinked twice, trying to wet my incredibly dry eyes. “Stay focused on my voice Preston,” I directed, desperate

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