Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1)

Free Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1) by Raven K. Asher

Book: Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1) by Raven K. Asher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raven K. Asher
first time I was growing nervous.
    “Everything will be alright, Sweetheart.” London whispers, reading my mind.
    Tugging me close he gives me a small amount of comfort.
    Standing with London on the platform my father’s words breeze by me as I stare deep into his yellow eyes, I was transfixed by him.
    Not a single word was heard that my father spoke, not until he took my hand in his and handed it over to London signifying him giving me over.
    I now belonged to London, I was his.
    After that all I could see was London, as he picked me up, and as he laid me down on the soft cushions while kissing my lips gently.
    “I’m scared.” I whisper for his ears only.
    Grinning sweetly he kisses my neck. “Don’t be scared, I would never hurt you.”
    I shiver as his hands pull my dress up past my knees, his rough hands skimming across my bare legs as they travel higher.
    “I love you, Parker.” London whispers into my ear as he undoes his pants and positions himself closer to me.
    “I…I…” I stutter as my whole body revolts his closeness.
    This wasn’t right.
    My wolf was screaming for me to get up and run away but before I can London quickly places his hand behind my neck.
    I flinch at the quick sting of his claws entering my skin.
    As London looks deep into my eyes I feel myself fall under his spell again. “I love you, London.”
    He grins and without removing his claws he moves in one quick smooth motion cementing our bond and completing our mating ceremony.
    Quickly bringing me to an unfamiliar but welcome and overwhelming feeling of pure bliss London retracts his claws before jumping off of me changing into his wolf form.
    I smile as I sit up and then change into my own wolf form.
    Looking around at the wolves around me and to London’s white wolf I’m struck with the memory of the drawing that I had sketched out in art class.
    This was what I had drawn.
    The same wolves surrounded me now that did in the sketch.
    Rubbing against my side London nuzzles his nose against mine. “What are you thinking about, Love?” He questions curiously in my mind.
    He could have easily entered my mind since we were now mated to see what I was thinking but it meant a lot to me that he was asking instead of just searching for it.
    “I’ve drawn this scene before.” I answer in his mind.
    “I hope that’s a good thing.” He replies gently.
    Nuzzling my nose into his neck my wolf takes a deep breath of his smoky scent. “It’s a very good thing.” I answer.
    Playfully jumping back from me London gives me a goofy wolf grin before taking off through the trees. “Catch me if you can.”
    I laugh to myself as I watch him disappear.
    “Parker, stop. He’s lying to you.” Brock’s voice suddenly enters my mind in a barely there whisper.
    “Where are you, Brock?” I question reaching out for him.
    I receive no response.
    Standing in place I wait for a few more moments to hear something, anything at all, but all I hear is silence in my mind.
    Shaking my head I take off at a full run after London.
    I had convinced myself that I had to just be hearing things.
    My father had told me that Brock was fine, and I had no reason not to trust my father, or London, at that moment.
    Suddenly, out of nowhere London jumps out from his hiding spot pinning me down to the ground before he soon moves us to complete our mating in wolf form.
    Brining me to another plateau of bliss I forget about everything but the wolf with me.
    Still there was something that felt like it was whispering into my mind, whispering to me that things weren’t exactly as they seemed.
    With London there though, those voices quickly become nothing more than whispers in the wind.
    “I love you, Parker.” He growls into my mind.
    “I love you too, London.” I reply back with a moan.

11-Fool’s Paradise

    “ O pen your damn eyes, Parker.” Someone screams into my head.
    I groan as I roll to my side holding my head in my hands.
    Twigs and

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