Humanity Gone: After the Plague

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Book: Humanity Gone: After the Plague by Derek Deremer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Derek Deremer
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Action & Adventure
“Yeah,” she replies with a timid smile emerging on her face.
                  “Well good.” I give her some and she enjoys them.  She offers Sara and me each one as well from the bag.  “Ok girls, come here for a second.  I want to show you everything that we have.  We’re going to have to be careful with how quickly we go through these things?”  I usher them over to the pantry and show them the shelves.  “This will only last the four of us a couple of months at best-so we cannot be wasteful.  And if help hasn't arrived by then we’re going to have to start relying on other things.”
                  “Like what?” asks Caitlyn.
                  “Well, Jonathan and I going to try to farm and garden in the spring… and soon we may need to hunt.”  I’m not sure what kind of reaction that will get, but we’re going to have to approach the subject eventually even if I don't know where to start.  I also don't know what else to talk about with the girls at the moment...
                  Sara’s eyebrows furl at the word hunt, but Caitlyn has an unexpected reaction; her face shows enthusiasm.
                  “Can I come?” she asks, clearing her throat afterward.
                  The words “absolutely not” come to mind.  It’s not everyday I see such a small girl excited about the concept of killing and eating animals while her excitement should focus around dolls and an opportunity to go to a petting zoo.  “Maybe, Caitlyn.  Jon and I need to figure it out first.”
                  It’s amazing how much an already small child can deflate as she sulks at my response.  I guess “maybe” didn't sound too promising in her eyes. Deciding not to give it another thought, I turn back to the pantry and re-stack the boxes of the muffins.
                  The girls and I take a walk, mostly to get a solid idea of what’s immediately around the cabin, but also because I want to get out and breathe.  I have felt like I’ve been holding my breath for days. 
                  The river that I vaguely remember from our family camping trips flows a few dozen yards away from the cabin.   The sun  sinks over the treetops, and I can’t help but think of a short prayer as the sun reflects off the water.  My mother and I used to say these, but that habit left with her so many years ago.  She was much more religious than my father. Her prayers enter my mind, but I don't know if I believe anymore. Especially after the past few weeks.
                  I talk with the girls and learn a lot about them.  They tell me about themselves, but most of all they tell me about their parents.  They were part of a really close family.  Sara, as we already learned, is a little more openly confident in herself.  She is about an inch taller than Caitlyn and makes sure I know that by reminding us several times as we walked along the creek.  It might be their one discernable physical feature.  On the emotional side, it seems that Caitlyn still doesn't have as much self-identity yet.  I recollect my early middle school years with them, too.  I was sure of myself from the age of eight, but Jon was always latching on to new people and trying to be like them.  He was never sure of himself until three years ago, and I’m afraid that happened for all the wrong reasons.
                  We come across a downed log across a shallow part and I balance across it.  Sara refuses to try but Caitlyn quickly runs across to me.  Then she goes back and tries to drag her sister.  Sara resists until Caitlyn gives up.  We all laugh and start to make our way back to the cabin. Caitlyn may be more timid, but is much more willing to take chances.
                  A low rumble comes from the direction of the cabin.  We are barely within eye-shot, and it looks like some headlights are shining

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