Demon Master (Demonsense series Book 2)

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Book: Demon Master (Demonsense series Book 2) by Sara DeHaven Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara DeHaven
Tags: Urban Fantasy, demons, seattle, possession
creature, and she was, in essence, too black and white in her opinions to be able to argue well with him in cases like these. To her, it was obviously right to warn people. She didn’t have much patience for the political intricacies of how and why.  
    Dion gave first her, then Daniel a measuring look. “Do I have to ask you two not to go blabbing this around to all and sundry?” When neither of them answered right away, it was his turn to sigh. “Look, it won’t be long before this comes out in the open.   And it’s not like there’s not already rumors. All I’m asking here is that you not go around telling everyone to get ready for a war. Go ahead and tell folks about the increase in possessions. Daniel, you know more about defensive spells and warding than probably anyone I know. Feel free to help people you know get their defensive spells in order. Just keep in mind we don’t know for certain that it’s going to be war, so there’s no reason yet to be saying there is one.”
    “Do you think there’s going to be a war?” Daniel asked him directly. Bree watched as Dion’s brows furrowed slightly and his nostrils flared, listened carefully to his tone of voice as he replied, “I’m not fully convinced of it, no.”
    “Did you just try to lie to me?” Bree said, voice rising as her Reader sense put together his tells.
    “Honey, you know and I know that’d be a waste of breath with you going Reader on me like you just did. And don’t deny it,” Dion said with an exasperated look. “I said I’m not fully convinced, and I meant that. I don’t think we’ve crossed the threshold into war, and we may not. And I sincerely hope we don’t.”
    “Amen to that,” Daniel murmured.
    “So anyway, message received, thanks for the report, and thanks, Bree, for dinner.   I’ve got to be getting on here in a minute, I’ve got a date.”
    “Dear Lord, don’t you ever sleep?” Bree asked, her rising anxiety and irritation momentarily sidetracked into rueful amusement. “You must have gotten up at five for your early shift.”
    “I took a nap after work,” Dion reassured her, getting to his feet. “A man needs to rest after saving lives all day.” Dion worked as an paramedic when he wasn’t up to his ears in politics. “And besides, you know I’m never too tired for the ladies.”
    Bree saw him to the door and hugged him goodbye. She returned back to the dining room to find Daniel clearing the table. They worked together quietly to clean up, interrupted periodically by Bree shooing Hanroi off the counters where he insisted on being. The kitten finally got bored with tormenting her and wandered off into the living room, probably for his evening nap.
    Daniel did the dishes, and Bree dried and put away. They chatted about Dion, local powered politics, and a spell Daniel was currently puzzling over, both avoiding further talk of the possible upcoming war and the revelation about the involvement of Daniel’s cousin and his ex.  
    Bree was distracted by watching his profile as he worked. She couldn’t help but admire the strong line of his nose, the little hollow below his cheekbone, and his long black lashes. His dark otter pelt hair was in need of a trim. She had a moment’s fantasy of turning him to her and running her hands through it, and she shook herself a little to dispel the thought. Clearly, she retained a sort of helpless physical attraction for him, and she became hyper aware of it the rare times they were alone together. There was a way he held eye contact with her a little too long as they talked, a way his shoulder brushed up against hers as they maneuvered around the small kitchen, that told her he was feeling very aware of her too. A nervous sense of expectation started up in Bree, as if this were a date. She told herself not to be ridiculous, that she and Daniel had been so careful to keep things between them platonic, they were hardly going to change that on a sudden whim. Surely she

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