Breathe Into Me

Free Breathe Into Me by Nikki Drost

Book: Breathe Into Me by Nikki Drost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Drost
beautiful! Your babies are going to be gorgeous.”
    I almost choke on my beer when I hear the “B” word. The woman can’t be serious. I mean we’ve only been on one date. I watch Adam as he rolls his eyes behind her back.
    “Ease up , Grace, let’s not scare her away.”
    Grace playfully waves her hand through the air. “Oh hush. Now why don’t you go change while we have a chat?”                                                                                                                             
    “Fine, as long as you don’t divulge all my secrets , Grace.  Let’s keep some things a mystery.” He places his beer on the counter and kisses my forehead. “I’ll be right back, angel.”
    I can’t help , but watch his backside as he leaves the room. Soft chuckling fills my ears and I realize I’ve been caught starring.
    “Before we get interrupted you need to know that Adam is a wonderful man and when he decides to confide in you about his past, please try to keep an open mind.” 
    I study her face and notice her warm hazel eyes are filled with a motherly love, hence the baby talk. “I think Adam is amazing and I will do my best.” I mean really, how bad can it be? The smile she gives me tells me she’s happy with my answer.
    Before she can comment any further, the sounds of boots on wood and laughter erupt to my left. Oh boy, I suddenly realize why Adam lives in such a huge space. The same four men from the bar stroll into the kitchen. I suddenly feel claustrophobic. They stop in their tracks and eye me as if I’m a ticking bomb that’s about to explode.
    “ You’d think they’ve never seen a woman before,” Grace chuckles. “Boys, let’s not stare at the pretty girl, you’ll make her uncomfortable.”
    I try to hide my smile at Grace’s comment. I’m glad she spoke up. I was starting to feel uneasy.
    “Right, sorry. I guess we should introduce ourselves. I’m, Lincoln Scott.”
    I reach forward and shake the biggest hand I’ve e ver seen. The man is huge, with wide shoulders and a chest as big as a football field. He offers me a wide grin full of dimples and I instantly feel relaxed. He has golden hair cut into short spikes and has kind gray eyes. Lincoln points to the man next to him. “This is, Casanova Bouchard.”
    I’m met with another breathtaking smile.
    “It’s nice to meet you , Andy, and please call me, Cass.” He’s a few inches shorter than Lincoln is and smaller in stature, but not by much. He has the same short golden hair just sans spikes. His eyes are a stunning shade of turquoise.
    “And these two are the infamous Trudeau brothers. One is full of class , the other brash.”
    I chuckle at Lincoln’s play on words. The bad boy from last night nods his head in greeting and I get a good look at his dark eyes. They hold the intense combination of danger and pleasure. Kelsey would be eaten alive by this man.
    “I’m Micah and that’s Jamie.”
    I quickly study the tall figure in front of me. He carries an heir of sophistication. His black wavy hair is cut short and styled to perfection. His bright blue eyes sparkle like sapphires and his chiseled cheekbones and perfect lips are surrounded by a well-groomed goatee. The man is exquisite. His body is nothing, but tanned skin and rippling muscles. These men may share a last name, but that has to be the only thing those two have in common. They don’t look anything alike, well other than their muscular frames. Jeez, these guys must work out a lot. I swallow the lump in my throat as I survey the room.
    “So I guess the saying is true, pret ty people do travel in packs.” I try to mask my nerves with humor, but to be honest I’ve never been around so many perfect men before, and it’s unnerving.
    The men begin to chuckle.
    “Oh , angel, you have no idea how right you are,” Adam says as

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