He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2)

Free He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) by Karen Frances

Book: He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) by Karen Frances Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Frances
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic
Murphy, taking the lift all the way down to the parking lot.
    “So, Elizabeth, have you had any thoughts on what colour and style of dress you’re looking for?” Sarah asks.
    “No, although I do tend to go for deeper colours. How formal is the party?” I ask.
    “I would have to say, they’ve pulled out all the stops. I’m glad Richard and I are picking up the tab for the engagement party and not the actual wedding. I’m sure they put on the invites that it was a black-tie do, so I expect Alex will wear a tux, if that helps.” The lift doors open.
    “And here I was, thinking something plain and simple.” I frown as I speak.
    “Don’t you worry. The place we’re going will have lots of choices,” she answers with a smile.
    We walk toward what I think looks like an Audi, but I could be wrong. I am the world’s worst when it comes to cars.It looks like one of my dad’s cars.
    Murphy opens the door and I let Sarah get in first. My mind races. I’ll need more than a dress if it’s a formal do—I’ll need a dress, a bag, and shoes. God, I’m going to need a bigger suitcase to go home. And what the hell am I going to do with my hair? I can never get it looking good for a night out. It’s either Kirsty or the hairdresser.
    “Elizabeth, everything alright? You look deep in thought.”
    “No, I’m fine. Are you going to tell me where we’re headed?”
    “It’s a surprise,” she says with a smile that brings out the sparkle in her eyes. “All I’ll say is that you’re extremely lucky. The owner hasn’t even offered the bride-to-be a look at these designs.”
    And that’s all she says on the matter. We travel through the city, which reminds me of home. Not that it’s like Glasgow at all—except for the stop-and-start at every set of traffic lights. It doesn’t matter what time I drive in Glasgow’s city centre, it’s always the same, but I expect most cities are like that. Sarah points out various places to me as we pass them.
    We’ve not been driving that long when we stop, and Murphy comes around to open the door. I get out and take in my surroundings. I’m standing in front of a shop that has its windows blacked out with a sign reading, “Opening Soon.”
    “Here we are. Sophie’s Boutique des Vetements.” The smile on Sarah’s face is full of delight and pride. She had the same look the first time I met her when we spoke about Alex.
    “Sophie’s dress shop . . . as in your daughter, Sophie?” I ask, realising that it can only be.
    “Yes. Come on. She can’t wait to meet you.”
    “Mrs. Mathews, call when you’re ready to leave. Happy shopping, Miss Stewart,” Murphy says before returning to the car.
    Sarah opens the door and we enter. It’s stunning. A lot of thought and planning has gone into this shop, from the lighting to the wall coverings and all the fixtures. It’s bright and light and luxurious. Then there are the dresses. Wow.
    “Mom, is that you?” a voice calls from the back.
    “Yes, sweetheart, it’s me.” Sarah looks at me and, in a lower voice, says, “Sophie has been excited about this.”
    Sophie comes rushing through looking rather flushed.
    “What have you been doing?” Sarah asks as she eyes her daughter. “Sophie, this is Elizabeth.”
    “Libby, it’s great to meet you,” Sophie says, giving me a tight embrace before holding me at arm’s length. “Stunning.”
    “It’s great to meet you too.” I blush.
    “I’m guessing a UK ten,” Sophie says, running her eyes all over me. “Maybe a twelve on top. Am I right?” She turns to her mother. “I was moving some boxes out in the back.”
    “Yes, spot on,” I say.
    Sophie looks like a younger version of her mother. She is pretty, but that doesn’t surprise me. Her shoulder-length hair is slightly lighter than Alex’s, but she has the same striking brown eyes that sparkle as the smile on her face widens.
    “So, Libby, any colours or shapes you prefer, or can we have a bit of fun with some of

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