Legacy of Darkness

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Book: Legacy of Darkness by A C Andersson Read Free Book Online
Authors: A C Andersson
ready for transportation. Though excited about her big move she couldn’t help but feel a tinge of guilt for keeping the training sessions a secret from Steve. But what was she supposed to say, oh by the way I am a Demon Hunter who has a target on my back and I have to go and train so I can fight the Vampires. He would think her insane and would probably get her committed. So for the time been she no choice but to keep the truth about her new situation from her lover.
    Summer had also returned to work in that last few days and found that the Murder case involving Jessica and Abby had been closed. Adam had found a suspect from another investigation and had pinned the killings on him to make sure he went down for the crime he had actually committed. Yes it was morally wrong but it was a killer off the streets and it also brought the grieving families a little closure. A necessary evil that Summer didn’t completely agree with but didn’t completely disagree with either.
    Though she couldn’t help but wonder if it was all part of a government cover up, making sure that all evidence of Vampires existence was swept under the carpet out of public view. It was difficult to know for sure but the Police force was always immense pressure to solve any murder case, especially one that had hit the headlines and people were always desperate for a physical culprit they could blame. Summer decided she wouldn’t pry into the case any further, she may not like what she found and there was always a chance it could get her into deep trouble. Luckily she had happier thoughts to keep her occupied namely moving in with Steve.
    Who arrived at her apartment with a van he had borrowed off a friend and helped Summer carry her belongings down three flights of stairs and load them into the vehicle. With everything loaded they both climbed into the white Mercedes van and Steve drove it back to what was now their home.
    Steve himself was feeling just as excited and couldn’t wait to get Summer unpacked and settled in. He had known Summer was the one for sometime and was more than ready to share the rest of his life with this amazing women.
    Back home they unloaded Summer’s belongings taking the vast majority of them up into the bedroom and leaving the rest neatly piled up in the living room. Having brought in the last couple of boxes and leaving them in the corner of Steve’s huge bedroom both he and Summer finally lost themselves in the thrill of the moment, throwing themselves into a passionate embrace kissing and caressing one another until they fell onto the bed. They made hot passionate love all through the night before collapsing from exhaustion in each others arms. It was the best sex either of them had enjoyed and they fell into a ecstasy enthused sleep.
    When Summer awoke the following morning Steve had already left for work leaving her alone in his massive double bed. Even though she didn’t have work today Summer wanted to get up so she could start unpacking her stuff and putting it away in her new home. Climbing out of bed Summer grabbed some clothes and left the bedroom for the bathroom where she ran herself a warm shower. Clean and dry Summer got herself dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen so she could fix her self a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal. As Summer sat down with her coffee and breakfast she was suddenly disturbed by the sound of the doorbell, “Who could that be” Summer wondered as she begrudgingly got up from her chair and into the living room towards the front door. Peering through the frosted glass Summer could a see a young women in her mid to late twenties holding what looked to be a black brief case. Summer sighed realising that it was probably some sort of sales person, probably selling make up or perfume. She put on her best fake smile and opened the front door.
    “Hello there” Said the all too cheery sales women “My name is Jenny and I’m here with some free samples of a brand new

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