Legacy of Darkness

Free Legacy of Darkness by A C Andersson

Book: Legacy of Darkness by A C Andersson Read Free Book Online
Authors: A C Andersson
here” he told Summer as he walked through the open door. Unsure what to expect so keeping her senses sharp and wits about her Summer followed Price down a cold stone stair case. As she rounded a spire in the stair case and came to the bottom Summer couldn’t help but be impressed once again. Like he had told her earlier Price had converted his entire basement in to a dojo slash gym. The room had a large punching bag hanging from the ceiling, weights and other excise equipment including a rowing machine and treadmill, he also had a large collection of melee weaponry affixed to the walls, swords, battle axes and weapons Summer couldn’t even name.
    As Summer admired Price’s home made dojo the man himself walked up to a particularly expensive looking set of Japanese swords that sat on a very fetching looking mount. Giles Price picked up the largest sword from the display turned around and tossed it into the air towards Summer.
    “Well caught” he congratulated as she plucked the weapon out of the air catching it by the handle. Summer swished the sword around in the air and noted how it felt so right in her hand, it was if the sword had been made specifically for her.
    “Believe me when I tell you that that sword is your knew best friend” Price told her.
    “It’s a Katana a very deadly yet elegant weapon that was utilised by the ancient Samurai warriors. As you can already tell the leather hilt is designed for the up-most grip and comfort the blade itself is made from the hardest steel and is sharpened to an inch of its life. It will cut through bone like a hot knife through butter. But its not just weaponry that’s important everything is vital even down to how your dress. Jeans for instance can be tight and constricting greatly reducing your speed and movement. You may want to consider wearing sweat pants, shorts or legging’s as these are all good apparel for allowing greater flexibility and movement. You need every advantage you can get when fighting Vampires”
    “All sounds like good advice so far” Summer commented as she listened to Price absorbing all his information.
    Finished with his lecture for now Price turned back around and reached up for another Katana this one was resting on wall brackets and looked to have a solid gold Scabbard. Sword in hand Price quickly spun round un-sheaving the blade and taking a battle ready stance.
    “En Garde! ” he called as he lunged forward thrusting his sword in Summers direction, Summer responded quickly parrying the blow with her own sword before retreating back a couple of steps. She had almost been caught off guard and her mind was racing away with concern and bemusement, “what’s going on” she thought “have I been set up, has Price brought me down here to kill me.”
    Sensing hesitation in his foe Price came at her again, this time fainting to her left but striking from the right. Summer telegraphed the move and blocked again, but Price was obviously a well trained swordsman and he wasn ’ t holding back, in an instant he was back on the attack again. This time Summer was equal to him their swords clashing angrily as she batted his attack away once more.
    Like an elaborate dance Price and Summer moved gracefully around the empty cellar duelling at speed, each searching for an opening, the tips of their blades nothing but a silver blur as they continued to engage in combat. Price eased off slightly and stepped back hoping to draw Summer in and force her into a mistake. Miss-reading her opponents cunning for cowardice Summer lunged in recklessly looking for a winning blow to end the fight, only to be left surprised when Price parried the attack with ease. His opponent still reeling Price knocked Summers sword out of her hand then brought his up placing it mere inches away from her neck.
    “That was good” Price said lowering his sword and moving it way from a trembling Hunter in training. Though he couldn’t make up his mind if she was shaking out of

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