with her eyes closed, Phoebe stared at the waves lapping against the shore, and her thoughts went to home. What were Mom and Dad doing right now? Did they miss her? If she decided to stay in California permanently, would they ever come for a visit? Did she want them to? If they came, they’d no doubt spend the whole time criticizing everything she did and complain about how overcrowded it was. It would probably be best if she didn’t encourage them to come.
As a group of young men started a game of volleyball, Phoebe thought about Titus and how many times the two of them had been involved in volleyball games back home. Even when she wasn’t one of the players, she’d enjoyed watching from the sidelines.
I’ll bet if Titus was here right now, he’d be involved in that game
, she thought.
He’s always liked volleyball
Phoebe scooped up a handful of sand and dumped it on Darlene’s bare toes.
Darlene’s eyes popped open. “Hey! What’d you do that for?”
“Let’s see if we can join that game of volleyball.”
Darlene grinned and clambered to her feet. “Good idea. Let’s do it!”
Pembroke, Kentucky
When Titus woke up on Saturday to the early morning light, he glanced out his bedroom window and was relieved to see that the sun was shining brightly. Having nice weather would make it easier for those coming to help him work on the trailer.
Titus stepped into the dim hallway, blinked, took a few steps, and stubbed his toe. “Ouch! Guess I should have put my boots away last night, instead of leaving ‘em in the hall. If this place was bigger, I’d have more room for things.”
He moved on to the bathroom to wash his face, and halted inside the door. That stupid calico cat was curled into a ball, sleeping in the sink!
He frowned. “How in the world did you get in the house?”
The cat’s only response was a quiet
Titus had given up trying to return the critter to Suzanne. Every time he’d made an attempt to catch the cat, she’d escaped his grasp. He’d resigned himself to the fact that he was stuck with her, and after seeing the remains of a few mice in the yard, he had to admit, she was a pretty good mouser. He figured as long as she stayed outside he could put up with her, but he wasn’t about to invite the mangy critter into his house.
He glared at the cat. “So how’d you get in? I know I didn’t leave the front or back door open, and I closed all the windows that don’t have screens.”
The cat continued to sleep, apparently oblivious to Titus’s presence.
Well, he couldn’t worry about how she got in right now. What he needed to do was find a way to get her outside without picking her up, because he didn’t want to chance getting scratched or bitten again.
Maybe if I throw something over the cat, I can pick her up that way
. Titus pulled a bath towel off the hook behind the door, and was ready to drop it over Callie, when she came awake, leaped into the air, and landed on his shoulder.
Her sharp claws dug into his flesh, and he let out a screech. Callie hopped off his shoulder and raced out of the bathroom like her tail was on fire. Titus followed, hollering, “Stupid katz! You’re nothing but trouble!”
When he reached the kitchen, where the cat stood, hunched and hissing, he opened the back door, grabbed the broom from the utility closet, and pushed the animal out the door. “Get outside! You don’t belong in here!”
Titus slammed the door behind Callie and drew in a deep breath. If that crazy cat was going to stick around, she’d better learn her place.
He started making a pot of coffee, figuring it wouldn’t be long before people began showing up for the work frolic. Beyond the benefit of getting the trailer fixed up, today would give him a chance to meet more of the Amish people who lived in this community.
Titus had just set a bowl of cereal on the table, when