A Demon in Stilettos

Free A Demon in Stilettos by Empress LaBlaque

Book: A Demon in Stilettos by Empress LaBlaque Read Free Book Online
Authors: Empress LaBlaque
Standing upright, she pulled the band from her hair. Her raven curls fell free, blowing on a gentle wind. Then, her breasts plumped forward, filling up the neckline of her shirt. “Finally!” She inhaled and stood erect. A strange white aura hovered over her. Infiltrating her nostrils, it gently escaped through her ears.
    “Oh no.” Erin backed up then waved her hand before Coy’s glazed eyes. “Hello. Can you hear me?”
    Coy caught her waving hand in mid-air, and crushed it painfully. “Of course, I hear you.”
    Wincing in agony, Erin snatched her hand away. “You’ve hurt me.” She shook the pain away. “Can you control the shoes?” she asked innocently.
    “Of course, I can control them. They’re mine, aren’t they?”
    Throwing up her hands, Erin blocked Coy’s step. “No—no! You’re not the real Coy. Don’t do this,” she begged. “You promised you’d take them off.”
    Looking down on Erin, Coy admitted coolly, “I don’t want to take them off. I want a piece of Lincoln Johns.”
    Erin cringed, looked at the shoes then pushed against Coy’s shoulder. “No. Please! Don’t do this!”
    Raising her arm, Coy’s flattened palm met Erin’s firm chest. Under her impact, Erin’s feet cleared the ground. The forceful blow sent her hurling against her parked car. Smashing into the vehicle, Erin’s body lurched forward, then bent clumsily as it collided with the side of the automobile. Yielding to brute force, Erin’s body slid off the side of the car, then landed roughly on the hard pavement. As a final insult, she struck her head loudly against the door.
    While Erin lay in a heap, Coy inhaled and elevated her chest. A strong wind whipped upon her raven hair. “You’re standing in my way, Duchess,” she growled. “Never stand between me, and sex.”
    Rubbing her injured leg, Erin slowly pulled herself upright, then holding the side of her car, she hobbled to her feet. Stroking the back of her head, she leaned against the car. Erin called out once more, this time, more weakly. “Coy. Con…trol th…the damn sho…shoes.”
    Rushing toward the passenger’s side of Erin’s car, Coy shouted, “Take me home!”
    “No,” Erin squealed, limping badly, “Not until you remove the damn shoes!”
    Annoyed by Erin’s insubordination, Coy made a fist and struck the hood of Erin’s car, leaving a deep indention. Glowering beneath her brow, her eyes flashed with fire. Standing with legs wide apart, she stiffened her stance in the high heels. “Damn you, I’ll walk!”
    Erin raised her hands in surrender. “Okay! I give up.” she yelled. “Okay. Fighting you is not worth this pain. Keep the damn shoes. You’re beating my ride to pieces.”
    The wind subsided and Coy’s demeanor returned. “That’s more like it, Duchess.” She snatched on the car’s door handle almost jerking it from the hinges. “I’ve important things to do.”
    Dragging her left leg, Erin hobbled toward the driver side of the car. After opening the door, she sat on the seat. Groaning and panting loudly, she then pulled her injured leg inside the car. Slowly, she positioned her body under the wheel.

    Chapter Ten
    Frowning, Erin reeled on the seat. As if in pain, she moaned loudly. Periodically, she winced holding her ribs with her right hand. After stroking her leg, she pulled strands of scattered hair from her face. Glancing at Coy she gnashed her teeth. “You’ve hurt me. I don’t think I can drive.”
    Sitting quietly, Coy turned her face from Erin. “You’d better.”
    After riding for several minutes, Erin dropped Coy off at her apartment. Before her door had time to close, Erin drove away.
    * * * *
    Once inside her apartment, Coy decided to take in a shopping trip. She desperately needed to replace a few more shabby garments. Erin didn’t call back, and Coy was glad she’d disappeared.
    By five-thirty, Coy had returned home. Her shopping trip had been successful. Now, she placed items on

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