Fate's Hand

Free Fate's Hand by Christopher Lynn

Book: Fate's Hand by Christopher Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Lynn
see Yusar, wait for me to make the first move. Your stoneskin and reflection spell should keep you safe for only a few hits.”
    Jora grunted and started his approach to the tower. It was a little larger than a town's watch tower, with six or seven floors. The construction was foreign, to say the least. There were not many mason lines in the smooth black stone and where there were, they were not large enough to get a finger into. The two men walked around the entire structure. It had no windows or openings. Not even a door.
    Temo recalled the word to summon a door, but before he could, one appeared before him. He cautiously reached out, pushed the door open, and stepped inside. As soon as he walked in, the door slammed behind him. He could hear Jora slamming the wall and shouting outside. Temo didn’t bother trying to open the door; he knew the tower would only respond to the master. He walked down a dim hall and into a large, open area. The room looked to be much larger than the outside could host. There was a long table with several gold candelabras on the table with long, lit candles. They didn’t give much light, but Temo could see a figure sitting at the head of the table.
    Temo entered carefully, his eyes scanning the room. Shadows shifted around the room at the edge of the candlelight.
    “Please, sit,” came a deep, calm voice. The shadowy figure at the end of the table lifted his gloved hand and indicated a chair at the other end of the table. Temo sat, but kept his hammer in his lap.
    “ Where is Yusar the thief?” Temo asked as he looked around the room.
    “ I’m sure my messenger told you the tower has a new master.”
    “ Then what happened to him? And why call me here?” The dark man snapped his fingers and two small demons came from a side room, carrying something wrapped in silk. Temo tightened his grip on the hammer and braced his feet to be able to kick up out of the chair quickly. The two demons stopped before him and kept their eyes to the ground. One of them reached up and partially uncovered the item. Temo’s eyes brightened slightly and he looked at the dark figure once again.
    “ Please, go ahead.”
    Temo lifted the hammer from his lap and placed it on the floor next to his chair. He reached into the material. As soon as his hand touched the leather grip, he knew it was his lost axe. He removed the weapon, the light cloth rolling down the metal. The material was cleanly sliced wherever it touched the blade. He looked past the magical weapon and saw the two hideous demons smiling at him. Temo frowned and looked back to his host. With another wave of his gloved hand, he sent the two demons scampering off into the darkness.
    “Opportunity. That’s what being a mercenary is all about, isn’t it? I brought you here to offer you an opportunity.” The host stood from the table and, in the same movement, so did Temo.
    “ Work for me and I will triple what you make in a year in the first few months.”
    Temo looked to the shadows, then back to the man. “Work for a man who has demons to do his biddings. What sort of help could I offer you?”
    Drask stepped forward into the light, showing his ash red skin and horns. “No, work for a demon that works with devils and men.”
    As Drask spoke, Temo noticed a large half-snake demon woman with six arms slide into a doorway. Temo’s felt his pulse hasten, seeing the danger he was in.
    “I will, unfortunately, have to decline.”
    The tall, slender demon before him lost his smile. “Well then,” he replied as he crossed his arms, “you are free to go.”
    Not taking the invitation for granted, Temo bowed then turned and walked away. As he neared the solid wall he did not to slow his pace. At the last second, a door appeared in the stone, letting daylight flood the dark corridor. Temo pushed through and out of the tower. The blinding light let him only take a few steps before it compelled him to stop and shield his eyes. A muffled sound came from

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