Someone Like You (Someone To Love Series)

Free Someone Like You (Someone To Love Series) by Addison Moore

Book: Someone Like You (Someone To Love Series) by Addison Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Addison Moore
tea, and run a bath for me, then we’ll sit at the kitchen table and talk into the wee hours of the night about what imbeciles we have for brothers.
    “There were cops,” I say, “and caution tape, and all my stuff was floating in the sewer…” Okay, slight exaggeration.
    Kendall cuts me off. “Horrible.” She stretches her hands over her head. “Well, I’d better get to bed. Morgan said he’d help you get settled.” She gives a quick wink. She grins deviously, as if she’s the last person who’ll stand in her brother’s way while he pins me to his mattress. Correction, my mattress. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Night!” She skips all the way to her bedroom and bolts the door shut behind her.
    What the hell?
    A gorgeous bare-chested male enters from the hall with his dark hair slicked back from the shower. His body looks as if it’s hewn straight from marble, with tattoos running up and down his arms and stamped across his chest like a cityscape I suddenly have the urge to explore.
    Great. I’ve just been seduced without him having to utter a single word. And as soon as those dimple bombs go off, I’m going to spontaneously drop to my knees in an act of carnal worship.
    “Heard what happened.” He struts over with water still beading over his chest. He slings his towel over his shoulder. He has on a pair of navy sweats but my eyes ride up to the labor-intensive pictures he’s permanently impressed upon himself.
    The scene from Derek’s flashes through my mind, and I freeze for a moment.
    “Ruby’s pictures.” I bury my face in my hands. “It’s all too much to process right now. I’m sure Janice will help me replace them, but I’m not looking forward to sharing how I lost them to begin with.”
    “They took the pictures?” His arms circle my waist, and I let him pull me in. The light scent of musk and soap mingle, creating an intoxicating combination that causes my underwear to disintegrate in the process.
    “They took everything. I’m homeless, and the only thing I own in the world is this little black dress.”
    The beginnings of a lewd grin twitch on his lips, then in an instant he grows serious as death and leans in just enough. I push in just a little and his lips descend closer to mine. He stops short of a kiss and circles over my mouth with his oven-hot breath, forcing me to make the first move, and God, I want to make the first move.
    “Whoa.” I push him away. “Thanks but no thanks. I’m not in the mood for some sexual healing.” And even if I were, I would totally deny it.
    He pulls his cheek to the side, no smile. “I’ll make a fire.” Morgan busies himself by tossing a few logs into the mouth of the fireplace before squirting enough kerosene to burn down the entire western hemisphere. He lights a match and a ball of flames shoots out a good three feet.
    “I knew you were dangerous.” I slip out of my heels and fall beside him on the sheepskin rug. I stretch my legs and sigh. “My feet just said thank you in ten different languages. Be glad you’re not expected to wear high heels.”
    “I am glad I’m not expected to wear high heels,” he says, landing beside me. “But I do it just for the fun of it.” He knocks his shoulder into mine playfully, and my body electrifies just being near him.
    “Look”—I sigh—“I’m not easy.” Mostly. I put it out there in the event he thinks he’s getting a free ride on the Ally express because we happened to have crossed that bridge already.
    “Never said you were.” He cocks his head to the side. “Not that you were difficult, but I’m definitely not holding it against you.”
    “You’re a pig.” I close my eyes and roll my head over my shoulders. “Never mind. You make pigs look bad. You’re worse than a pig.”
    “Why am I a pig?” He lowers his lids, giving me those bedroom eyes, and my stomach squeezes so tight I can’t breathe for a minute. “More importantly, why do you have the incessant

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