Wildly (Crimson Romance)

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Book: Wildly (Crimson Romance) by Debra Kayn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Kayn
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
kissing someone else when her mind was on Grayson, she put her fingers to her lips. “I’ll see you Saturday.” John leaned over and kissed her forehead before walking down the pathway to his car.
    She stood in the doorway, watching him get in the vehicle and drive away. More confused than ever, she turned to go back in the house when the loud growl of a motorcycle roared down the street. She stepped forward, excitement filling her more than any kiss. The only person she knew that drove a motorcycle was Grayson.
    A young man she didn’t recognize rode past the house. She sighed, disappointed. Of course it wasn’t Grayson. He was probably in bed with Stephanie, not even caring if she was dating John.

Chapter Nine
    The long week Shauna suffered through accounted for the two empty glasses sitting in front of her. She tapped her fingers along with the music playing at the Quayside, and smiled over the crowd, half listening to Kate describe a rather kinky night of sex with Jackson.
    “ … then the park ranger knocked on the window, and I thought Jackson was going to have a heart attack.” Kate wiped the corner of her eye. “Of course, Jackson’s body was covering me but his white ass was blocking the window.”
    Shauna leaned forward. “Sex in the car? How high schoolish.”
    “Hey, don’t knock it, mean girl.” Kate waved Gretchen, the waitress, over. “Another round of the same, please.”
    “Sure thing, girls.” Gretchen eyed Shauna and crossed her arms. “You know, your message is still in the men’s restroom.”
    “My what?” Shauna frowned.
    “Call Shauna for a good time … over the second urinal.” Gretchen grinned. “You should’ve seen all the messages that the men started writing underneath.”
    “Oh God.” She covered her cheeks. “I forgot all about that.”
    “What did they write?” Kate leaned forward. “Maybe we should go in there and have us a laugh.”
    Gretchen shook her head. “Too late. Grayson finally noticed the message a few years ago and hired a paint crew to come in and clean it up. Although, he gave strict orders not to cover your original message. Curious, huh? I wonder why he did that?” Gretchen shook her head and walked away without waiting for an answer.
    “Why would he do that?” Shauna turned to her friends. She’d snuck into the men’s room, hoping Grayson would read the message but he’d left without going in there. Then she’d forgotten all about vandalizing the restroom.
    Diana shrugged. “Does it matter? I thought you were all quivery for John.”
    “Yeah. Forget about Grayson. Let’s dish John.” Kate pinned Diana with a look.
    “Okay, I’ll ask. When are you planning on jumping in bed with John?” Diana whispered, but Shauna was sure everyone within a ten-foot radius could hear her.
    “I-I don’t know.” She lifted her glass, remembered it was empty, and laughed self-consciously. Her vision blurred and she blinked. She probably shouldn’t have skipped lunch, because she was feeling good from the drinks she’d consumed. “I’m not even sure what the rules are for this type of thing. Third date, third week … I don’t even own a box of condoms.”
    Kate reached over and patted her hand. “You’re worrying too much. John’s a responsible guy. He’ll have everything you need, and will make you comfortable. Although, you might not want to mention you’re a virgin too far in advance. That tends to scare a guy off.”
    She folded her arms on the table and buried her head. “I should’ve lost my virginity in college with the rest of you.”
    “College? Try senior year of high school. That’s how I kept Jackson happy,” Kate said. “I think we all need another drink if we’re turning this into sex talk.”
    “We sure do. I’m going to the bar to see what’s taking so long.” Diana stood up and quickly left the table.
    “Listen, hon.” Kate tugged Shauna’s hair and waited for her to sit back up. “It’s not something to be

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